The Craft written by Peter Filardi and Andrew Fleming (thunderclap) Bonnie, Nancy, Rochelle (together): Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. (credits) ("Tomorrow Never Knows" plays) Stewardess: We need your seat in the upright position, please. Mr. Bailey: Come on, let's go. Come on, darling. Taxi is waiting. Mr. Bailey: Goddamn! This rain-! (indistinct chatter) Mr. Bailey: Oh, no. Sarah: Oh, yeah, it's a lot drier in her, Dad. Jenny: Oh, god! We need a new roof. Mr. Bailey: Yeah. But it's big. It's big. Jenny: I like the peg and grove floors. Damask curtains would look really nice. Mr. Bailey: Yeah. Yeah, gotta get this roof fixed, honey. Jenny: Yeah. (thunderclap) (door creaks) Sarah: (gasps) Vagrant: I found this out back. You want it? Sarah: No! (gasps) Vagrant: Relax. What's the matter with you? Relax! Sarah: -Dad! Mr. Bailey: -What? What is it? What? Hey! Hey! What the- Get the hell outta here! What the hell? Sarah, you all right? Sarah: Yeah, I'm fine. He just surprised me that's all. Mr. Bailey: Yeah, I guess. Are you sure? Sarah: Yeah, I'm fine. Mr. Bailey: Yeah. (sighs) Sarah: -Dad? Mr. Bailey: -Ahh! Mr. Bailey: You could wait. You know, I mean just until you get a school uniform. You don't have to go now. Sarah: I can't stay home and watch daytime tv for the rest of my life. Mr. Bailey: Why not? I could. Sarah: (chuckles) I just want to get started and get it over with. Mr. Bailey: You look good. You look good. Sarah: Thanks. Mr. Bailey: Good luck. Jenny'll pick you up. Sarah: I'll walk. Mr. Bailey: You sure? Sarah: Yeah. ("All This and Nothing" plays) Trey: Hey, scary bitch alert Mitt: (grunts) God, I thought it was Satan. Oh my god, Jesus Christ. She lookin'? Oh, God. Trey: Oh god. Mitt: Oh, she's lookin', okay. I'll find a warm place. Safe, warm place. Bonnie: The almanac says today will bring an arrival of something. Nancy: Yeah, wonderful. I'm getting my rag. Bonnie: "A new wholeness and with it a new balance. Earth, air, water, fire." Maybe it's our fourth. Nancy: We don't need a fourth. Bonnie: Nancy, we need someone to call out the corners: north south, east and west. Rochelle: Four would make a circle. Nancy: -Maybe she could be our fourth (girls laughing) Bonnie: Come on Nancy: I love a woman in uniform. Bonnie: (laughing) (bell ringing) Monsieur Thepot: Bonjour classe. Students (together): Bonjour monsieur. Monsieur Thepot: J'espeare ques vous avez passe un buon week-end. Monsieur Thepot: Monsieur Roger. Votre weekend. C'est-il bien passe? Mitt: Uh. Tres bien. Monsieur Thepot. (laughing) Monsieur Thepot: Qu'est que vous avez fait pendant de le week-end. Vous et alle la plage, au concert de rock. Vous aves drague lesa fammes? Monsieur Thepot: -Cherche la femme? Chris: (laughing) Mitt: -Oh, you mean, did I get laid? Monsieur Thepot: En francais, monsieur Roger, en francais. Mitt: Uh. Oui. Beaucoup de-- Beaucoup de "laid." (laughting) Sarah: Quel idiot. Cretin. Monsieur Theopt: Eh, bbien, notre nouvelle eleve, mlle. Bailey. Votre francais est formidable. Mitt: What is that snail trail saying about me? Monsieur Thepot: Si vouz aviez fait vos devoirs... vouz comprendriez. Mitt: You know this is L.A. We should be learning mexican or something. Chris: That would be Spanish, genius Trey: Yeah. Mitt: Spanish. Monsieur Thepot: Ca suffit. Eh, bien, mesdames et messieurs. Parlosde l'histoire le gouvermont de vichy de France. Hitler a envahi la France pendant la zieme guerre mondiale. Les Nazis se sont installes au gouvernemont-- Bonnie: (gasps) Bonnie: She's here. Nancy She who? Bonnie: Someone to be fourth. She's the one. Nancy You feeling okay? Bonnie: That's her. Sarah: Hey, do you guys mind if I sit with you? 'Cause I'm supposed to find a lab group. Okay. Bonnie: No, you can sit here. (scoffs) Happy? Nancy: What? (students chattering) Chris: Hi. Sarah: Hi. Chris: You're Sarah right? Sarah: Yeah. Chris: Hi, I'm Chris. I just wanted to apologize for those guys in french. They're assholes. Sarah: You know what they say: You are who you hang with. Chris: Yeah, right. Wait, did you just call me an asshole? You did, didn't you? Sarah: I'm sorry. My defenses are up. People here have been really rude to me. Chris: Oh, really? Who else? Sarah These three girls. They're behind you. Don't stare. That's slick. Chris:Oh, shit. It's the bitches of Eastwick. Sarah: What? Chris: Hey, whatever you do, stay away from them. Sarah: Why? Chris: Well, you see the one on the right? She's a major slut. I mean, I don't know from experience or anything, but-- And the one in the middle, she's got these burn scars all over her body. I haven't seen 'em but friends of mine have. Anyway, they're-- nah, never mind. Sarah: What? What? Chris: They're witches. Sarah: Witches. Chris: Well, that's what people say. So what are you doing after school? Sarah: I don't know. Nothing, I guess. Chris: Really? Sarah: Really. Chris: I'm busy. Football practice. You can come and watch. Sarah: Mmm, football practice. That is so tempting. ("How Soon is Now?" plays) (shouting) Nancy: Sarah! -Looking for someone? Sarah: -No. No. Bonnie Some of these football dicks make their girlfriends.... come and watch them practice, as if it's interesting. Nancy Yeah, like, girlfriend over there-- Chris Hooker. Sarah: -I don't even know him. Rochelle: -Nancy's sorry about what happened in biology. And she's mean to everybody, so don't take it personally. Sarah: -You're Nancy? Bonnie: -Uh, she's Nancy. I'm Bonnie and that's Rochelle. Sarah: -Hi, I'm Sarah. Bonnie: Yeah, we know who you are. Nancy: Do you wanna go for coffee? Sarah: No, I can't. I gotta get home. My dad's waiting for me. Nancy: (chuckles) You can make something up. Rochelle's ditching practice. He comes on to anything with tits, Sarah. Bonnie: -Except me. Sarah: -I am not watching him. Nancy: He spreads disease. I speak from personal experience. Whoa Chris! Go long! Go for the pass, baby! Sarah: (-laughs) Nancy: -He's a jerk. Come on. Bonnie: So you're coming, right? Sarah: Where are we going? Bonnie: Shopping. Rochelle: Come on. Sarah: I don't have any money. Nancy: We get a five-finger discount. Sarah: Five-finger discount. Rochelle: Sarah, where did you live before? Sarah: San Francisco. Rochelle: Why'd you move? Sarah: 'Cause it sucks. My dad wanted to. Rochelle: Sucks here too. Sarah: And I need a car here. Bonnie: You need a car everywhere. Nancy: What's up with that? Sarah: I slit my wrists. Nancy: Sorry. Bonnie: -What'd you do it with? Sarah: -With a kitchen knife. Bonnie: You even did it the right way. Sarah: Yeah. Nancy (chuckles) Punk rock. Let's go. Rochelle: The right way? How do you know the right way? Bonnie: Shut up, Rochelle. Bonnie: Well, how do you know? (chanting in foreign language) ("Bells, Books and Candles" plays") Bonnie: (whispers) Sarah. Sarah: What? Bonnie: Put this in your bag. Sarah: No. Bonnie: (scoffs) Everything in nature steals you know. Big animals steal from little ones. Sarah: They steal for survival. Besides, I already have a diary. Bonnie: This is different. You put spells and power thoughts in it, and then you don't let anyone else read it, ever. Except maybe us. Here. Sarah: You guys are really into all this? Bonnie: Sort of. Lirio: That's not for you. Sarah: I'm sorry. Lirio: What a beautiful ring. It was your mother's. Sarah: Yeah, it was. Lirio: Are you going to pay for those? Sarah: Uh-huh. Lirio: You're not like your friends. You know how to use candles? Sarah: Yeah, you light the wick? Lirio: More than that. Red is for love. Black-- Actually-- Why you don't read that? It explains it all. Sarah: Okay. Lirio: Twenty dollars. Sarah: You know, I've never read anything about this stuff before. I mean, I don't follow it. Lirio: Maybe you're a natural witch. Your power comes from within. Bonnie: Come on, Sarah. (siren wailing) Sarah: You guys, I think I should head home. Bonnie: Just look straight ahead and keep up. (chattering, shouting) Man: Give me some change! Homeless Mother: Spare some change? Food? Please, my baby needs some food. Sarah: I don't have anything. Rochelle: Come on Sarah. Don't give them money. You're going to get nailed. Homeless Mother: It's for the baby. Sarah: I don't have anything. Vagrant: Hey, I know you. I have another snake for you. Hey, wait a second. I have to talk to you. I had a dream about you. Come on now, let's talk. In my dream you were dead. Street Preacher: -Stop! Now! Vagrant: -I'm talking to you! Street Preacher: Come back, child. Come back to Jesus! Vagrant: Don't you run away from me! Street Preacher: I am the door, the way-- Vagrant: I know what I'm talking about. I'm in touch with the man! (horn honking) Vagrant: -Listen to me! (tires screeching) Bonnie: Come on, Sarah. Let's get out of here. Come on. Bonnie: Whoa! Oh my god! (panting) (screaming) Nancy: Do you think there's anybody back there? (screaming) Rochelle: No. Bonnie: It hit him. It hit him. The car hit him, and we made it happen. Oh, my god. Nancy: Maybe, maybe not. Bonnie: No, definitely. I thought to myself, "it's gonna hit him." Rochelle: I thought it too. Nancy: Well, I thought it too but that doesn't mean anything. Bonnie: -Sarah, did you think it? Sarah: -Yeah. Bonnie: Well then that's it you guys. Sarah's the fourth. North, south, east, and west. We can make things happen. -This is it. This is real. Nancy: -Shit. Sarah: You guys, this is really weird. Nancy: Well, I mean, her was after you. He was going to hurt you, man. It was not our fault. I mean-- Rochelle: You guys, maybe he'll really listen now. Sarah: -Who? Rochelle: -Manon. Sarah: What's that? That's like god? Nancy: No, man invented god. This is older than that. Sarah: D-Do you guys worship the devil? (laughter) Nancy: It's like god and the devil. I mean, it's everything. It's-it's the trees; it's the ground; it's the rocks; it's the moon; it's everything. Sarah: -It's nature. Nancy: -If god and the devil were playing football, Manon would be the stadium they played on. It would be the sun that shone down on them. Bonnie: So, does stuff like tonight happen to you a lot? Sarah: No, not-not like that. Other stuff. Rochelle: -Where did you learn it? Sarah: -I don't know. Bonnie: A natural witch. Sarah: (chuckles) I hate it. It's always getting screwed up. It's like... sometimes I'll--I'll want it to rain, and a pipe will burst in my room and I'll just get flooded. (-laughter) Nancy: -Yeah, right. Sarah: No, really. O-Or, um, I'll want it just to be quiet, and I'll wish for it and wish for it, and then I'll go deaf for three days straight. Nancy: If you can do that, have you ever heard of invoking the spirit? Sarah: No. Nancy: It's when you call him. Manon. It's like-- It's like you take him into you. It's like he fills you. He takes everything that's gone wrong in your life, and he makes it all better again. (chuckles) Sarah: Nothing makes everything all better again. Nancy: (scoffs) Maybe not for you. Bonnie: Where are you going? Sarah: You guys are freaking me out. Nancy: (laughs) Oh, she's scared. Bonnie: -Nancy, we need her. Nancy: -Like a hole in the head. Rochelle: She'll be back. ("Under the Water" plays) Sarah: (chuckles) What? Chris: Well, you sounded strange wwhen I called last night. I didn't think you'd come. Sarah: No, just surprised. Chris: Surprised? Sarah: Yeah. Chris: I thought you'd be hanging out with those girls. Sarah: What girls? Chris: Those girls with the weird heads. Sarah: Weird heads? What's weird about their heads? Chris: Well, that one girl, she's got a mammoth head that-- Sarah: Oh, really? Chris: Yeah, she looks like a St. Bernard. Sarah: I haven't noticed her. Chris: I hate that big head thing. Sarah: (laughs) Chris: 'Course, it's better than that shruken head thing. Little, tiny-- makes you wanna hang it from the rearview mirror. Sarah: What's your obsession with heads? Chris: Well, I was just noticing how great yours is. Sarah: You like my head? Chris: Yeah, it's a good head. Sarah: It's a good head? Chris: It's good. It's looks good for kissing. Can I? Trey: Allight, we'll see you later bro. Laura Lizzie: Nice meeting you, Sarah Sarah: Yeah. Bye. Chris: See ya. Chris: Come on. Let's go to my house. Nobody's there. Sarah: I don't-- I don't wanna go. I can't. I gotta go home. Chris: All right. Sarah: -Are you mad? Chris: -No. Sarah: -I'm sorry. Chris: -It's okay. Nancy: So, hot stuff, how'd it go? Sarah: How'd what go? Rochelle: Your date with Chris. Sarah: What are you talking about? Rochelle: Chris already told everybody. Sarah: He told everybody what? Bonnie: That you guys did it. Sarah: But we didn't... do it. Nancy: Well, maybe he was trying to save face then, because he's going around the whole school... saying that you were the lousiest lay... he's ever had. And coming from him, that's pretty bad. Laura Lizzie, Laura's Friend, Laura's Friend (together): (clears throat, giggles) Sarah: No, he didn't. Nancy: He did. Rochelle: He said the same thing about Nancy. Nancy: Told you he was a jerk. (students chattering) Sarah: Hey, uh, can I talk to you for a second? Chris? Mitt: I'm sorry. Chris is really busy, maybe we could set something up for-- nice jacket --later in the week. What do you think? Sarah: Why'd you lie about me? Chris: Look, I don't want to go out with you again. Okay? Please stop begging. It's pathetic. Sarah: Hey Chris. Fuck you! Chris: Nah. Trey: But I will. Mitt: She's going to cry, and then I'm gonna cry. We're all gonna cry. Mitt, Trey (together): We're all going to cry. (girls whispering) Laura Lizzie: Someone doesn't want to go in the pool. This is a joke. (laughing) I can't even believe this. (laughing, sighs) Oh, wait. Here. Shark! Laura Lizzie, Laura's Friend (together): (laughing) Laura's Friend: Very good. Laura Lizzie: Brilliant. Superb. Laura's Friend: It was great. (girls chattering) Laura Lizzie: Oh, god look. There is a pubic hair in my brush. Oh, no, wait, wait. That's just one of Rochelle's little nappy hairs. (laughing) Rochelle: Why are you doing this to me, Laura. Do you think you're funny? Laura Lizzie: You really want to know why? Rochelle: Yes, I really want to know why. Laura Lizzie: Because I don't like negroids. Laura's Friend: (chuckles) Laura Lizzie: Sorry. (girls chattering, giggling) Doctor: I've told you this before, but I want to be really clear. This is a very experimental procedure, and we can't make any warranties regarding results or side effects. I can tell you unofficially there's little to no risk. Bonnie's Mother: Oh. Doctor: With this form of gene therapy, it's relatively non-invasive. It can be somewhat painful, but non-invasive. (machines humming) (keyboard clicking) Doctor: Okay, try to stay relaxed. I'm moving the armitrobe ovr you now. And you'll feel a little sting when the needle penetrates. And then more when the needle moves. I'll try and keep it as brief as possible. Hold very still and keep breathing. Bonnie's Mother: Okay? Doctor: Good. Keep your body relaxed. Bonnie: -Ow! Doctor: -Just a little bit more, Bonnie. Bonnie: (sobbing) Doctor: Don't move. Bonnie: (screaming) (thunderclap) (thunder continues) (thunderclap) Grace: Ray, the light's out! Oh, man! You didn't even pay the bill! I gave you money! You didn't pay the bill! What are you doing home so late? You're late! Ray: It's the storm, Grace! It's the connection, Grace! Grace Oh, it's the storm? Ray: That's why the lights are out, Grace. (arguing continues) Nancy: (whimpering) Grace: Neighbor's lights aren't out. Ray Got a light? Grace: I give you money. You tell me you pay the bill. Ray: I paid it. Grace: You can't even pay a bill? What are you good for? Ray: You know what I'm good for. Nancy: (whispers) Hey, Sarah. We're goin' on a field trip. Biology Teacher: Miss Downs, I hate to interrupt your little social gathering-- Nancy: Sorry, sister. (laughing) Yo, yo. Bonnie, Nancy, Rochelle (together): (laughing continues) ("Witches Song" plays) Bus Driver: You girls watch out for those weirdos. Nancy: Huh. We are the weirdos, mister. Bonnie, Rochelle, Nancy, Sarah (together): Earth, air, fire, water. Earth, air, fire, water. Earth, air, fire, water. Air, air, air... Fire, fire, fire... Water, water, water... Earth, earth, earth... Earth, air, fire, water. Earth, air, fire, water. (fades) Rochelle: It is better that you should rush upon this blade... than enter ther circle with fear in your heart. How do you enter? Bonnnie: With perfect love and perfect trust. It is better that you should rush upon this blade... than enter the circle with fear in your heart. How do you enter? Nancy: With perfect love and perfect trust. It is better that you should rush upon this blade... than enter the circle with fear in your heart. How do you enter? Sarah: With perfect love and perfect trust. Nancy: That's a girl. As above... so below. Rochelle: (clears throat) I drink of my sisters... and I ask for the ability to not hate those who hate me. Especially racist pieces of bleached blonde shit like Laura Lizzie. Sarah: (chuckles) Right on. I drink of my sisters... and I ask to love myself more... and to allow myself to be loved more by others. Especially Chris Hooker. I know, it's pathetic. Rochelle: Definitely pathetic. Bonnie, Nancy, Rochelle, Sarah (together): (chuckle) Bonnie: I drink of my sisters... and I take into myself the power to be beautiful... outside as well as in. Rochelle: Bonnie. Nancy: (sighs) I drink of my sisters... and I take into myself... all the power of Manon. Sarah: -That's all? Rochelle: -(laughs) Nancy: (chuckles) Blessed be. Bonnie, Nancy, Rochelle, Sarah (together): (laughing together) Blessed be. Nancy: Blessed be. Sarah: Thought you were gonna burp. Rochelle: -Oh, my god! Sarah: -What? Rochelle: Look. Nancy: Oh! Bonnie: It's Manon. Sarah: It's so beautiful. Nancy: He's listening to us. Bonnie: (laughs)(laughing) {Not finished}