REBECCA I Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. Then, like all dreamers, I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me. The drive wound away in front of me, twisting and turning as it had always done, but as I advanced I was aware that a change had come upon it. Nature had come into her own again, and, little by little, had encroached upon the drive with long, tenacious fingers. On and on wound the poor thread that had once been our drive, and finally there was Manderley -- Manderley, secretive and silent. Time could not mar the perfect symmetry of those walls. Moonlight can play odd tricks upon the fancy -- and suddenly it seemed to me that light came from the windows. And then a cloud came upon the moon and hovered an instant like a dark hand before a face. The illusion went with it. I looked upon a desolate shell -- with I No! Stop! MAXIM What the devil are you shouting about? Who are you? What are you staring at? I I -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. But -- I -- I only thought... MAXIM Oh, you did, did you? Well, what are you doing here? I I was only walking. MAXIM Well, get on with your walking! Don't hang about here screaming! MRS. VAN HOPPER I'll never come to Monte Carlo out of season again. Not a single well- known personality in the hotel. Stone cold! Waiter, gar on! Call him. Tell him to get me some... MRS. VAN HOPPER Why, it's Max de Winter. How do you do? MAXIM How do you do? MRS. VAN HOPPER I'm Edith Van Hopper. It's so nice to run into you here, just when I was beginning to despair of finding any old friends here in Monte. But do sit down and have some coffee. Mr. de Winter is having some coffee with me. Go and ask that stupid waiter for another cup. MAXIM I'm afraid I must contradict you. You shall both have coffee with me. Gar on! WAITER Oui, Monsieur. MAXIM Coffee, please. MRS. VAN HOPPER Cigarette? MAXIM No thank you. MRS. VAN HOPPER You know, I recognized you just as soon as you came in, though I haven't seen you since that night at the Casino in Palm Beach. Perhaps you don't remember an old woman like me. Are you playing the tables much here at Monte? MAXIM No, I'm afraid that sort of thing ceased to amuse me years ago. MRS. VAN HOPPER I can well understand that. As for me, if I had a home like Manderley, I should certainly never come to Monte. I hear it's one of the biggest places in that part of the country and you just can't beat it for beauty. MAXIM And what do you think of Monte Carlo? Or don't you think of it at all? I Oh, well -- I -- I think it's rather artificial... MRS. VAN HOPPER She's spoiled, Mr. de Winter. That's her trouble. Most girls would give their eyes for the chance to see Monte. MAXIM Wouldn't that rather defeat the purpose? MRS. VAN HOPPER Now that we've found each other again, I hope I shall be seeing something of you. You must come and have a drink in my suite. I hope they've given you a good room. The place is empty, so if you're uncomfortable, mind you make a fuss. Your valet has unpacked for you, I suppose? MAXIM I'm afraid I don't possess one. Perhaps you'd like to do it for me? MRS. VAN HOPPER Well -- I (laughs) I hardly think er... perhaps you could make yourself useful to Mr. de Winter, if he wants anything done. You're a capable child in many ways. MAXIM That's a charming suggestion, but I'm afraid I cling to the old motto: "He travels fastest who travels alone." Perhaps you've not heard of it. Good night. MRS. VAN HOPPER What do you make of that? Do you suppose that sudden departure was intended to be funny? Come, don't sit there gawking! Let's go upstairs. Have you got the key? I Yes, Mrs. Van Hopper. MRS. VAN HOPPER I remember when I was younger there was a well-known writer who used to dart down the back way whenever he saw me coming. I suppose he was in love with me and wasn't quite sure of himself. Well, c'est la vie! By the way, my dear, don't think that I mean to be unkind, but you were just a teeny weeny bit forward with Mr. de Winter. Your effort to enter the conversation quite embarrassed me, and I'm sure it did him. Men loathe that sort of thing. Oh, come, don't sulk. After all, I am responsible for your behavior here. Perhaps he didn't get over his wife's death. They say he simply adored her. I Oh! Oh, how awkward of me. What a stupid thing to do. I Oh, I'm so sorry. Please don't bother, it doesn't really matter. MAXIM Leave that -- leave that -- Go and lay another place at my table. Mademoiselle will have lunch with me. I Oh, well, I -- I coudn't possibly. MAXIM Why not? I Oh, well, please don't be polite. I... it's very kind of you, but I'll be all right if they just change the cloth. MAXIM I wasn't being polite. I should have asked you to lunch with me even if you hadn't upset the vase so clumsily. Come along. We needn't talk to each other if we don't feel like it. I Thank you very much. I Oh, I... I'll just ha -- have some -- some scrambled eggs. WAITER Oui, Mademoiselle. MAXIM What's happened to your friend? I Oh, she's ill in bed with a cold. MAXIM I'm sorry I was so rude to you yesterday. The only excuse I can offer is that I've become borish through living alone. I You weren't really. You simply wanted to be alone, and... MAXIM Tell me -- is Mrs. Van Hopper a friend of yours or just a relation? I No, she's my employer. I'm what is known as a paid companion. MAXIM Hah, I didn't know companionship could be bought. I I looked up the word "companion" in the dictionary once. It said a "friend of the bosom." MAXIM I don't envy you the privilege. I Oh, she's very kind, really, and... I have to earn my living. MAXIM Haven't you any family? I No. My -- my mother died years and years ago, and -- then there was only my father... and he died last summer. Then I took this job. MAXIM How rotten for you. I Yes, it was rather, because, you see, we got on so well together. MAXIM You and your father? I Yes, he was a lovely person -- very unusual. MAXIM What was he? I A painter. MAXIM Ha-a-a... was he a good one? I Well, I thought so, but people -- didn't understand him. MAXIM Yes, that's often the trouble. I He -- he painted trees -- it... at least it was one tree. MAXIM You mean he painted the same tree over and over again? I Yes, you see -- he had a theory that if you should find one perfect thing, or place, or person, you should stick to it. Do you think that's very silly? MAXIM Not at all. I'm a firm believer in that myself. What did you find to do with yourself while he was -- painting his tree? I Oh, I sat with him, and I sketched a little. I don't do it very well though. MAXIM Were you going sketching this afternoon? I Yes. MAXIM Where? I Oh, I haven't made up my mind. MAXIM I'll drive you somewhere in the car. I Oh, no. Please... I didn't mean... MAXIM Oh, nonsense. Finish up that mess and we'll get along. I Thank you. It's very kind of you, but -- I'm not very hungry. MAXIM Oh, come on, eat it up like a good girl. MAXIM You've taken long enough with that sketch. I shall expect a really fine work of art. I Oh, no, don't look at it, it's not nearly good enough. MAXIM Oh, it can't be as bad as all that. Now don't rub it all out. Let me see it first. I Well, it's the perspective. I never can get it right. MAXIM Let me... Oh, dear! Tell me, is it the perspective that gives my nose that curious twist in the middle? I You're not a very easy subject to sketch. MAXIM No? I Your expression keeps changing all the time. MAXIM Does it? Well, I'd -- I'd concentrate on the view instead, if I were you. It's much more worthwhile. Rather reminds me of our coastline at home. Do you know Cornwall at all? I Yes, I went there once with my father on a holiday. I -- I was in a shop once, and... I saw a postcard with a beautiful house on it, right by the sea. And I asked whose house it was, and the old lady said, "That's Manderley!" I felt ashamed for not knowing. MAXIM Manderley is beautiful. To me, it's just the place where I was born... have lived in all my life. Now, I don't suppose I shall ever see it again. I Well, we're lucky not to er... be home during the bad weather, aren't we? MAXIM Huh... I I -- I can't ever remember enjoying swimming in England until June, can you? The water's so warm here that I could stay in all day. There's a dangerous undertow, and there was a man drowned here last year. I never have any fear of drowning, have you? MAXIM Come -- I'll take you home. MRS. VAN HOPPER Oh, yes. I know Mr. de Winter well. I knew his wife too. Before she married she was the beautiful Rebecca Hildreth, you know. She was drowned, poor dear, while she was sailing near Manderley. He never talks about it, of course, but he's a broken man. I suppose I better have it. Wretched stuff! Give me a chocolate, quick. MRS. VAN HOPPER Oh, there you are. It's about time. Hurry up, I want to play some rummy. MRS. VAN HOPPER'S VOICE She was the beautiful Rebecca Hildreth, you know. They say he simply adored her. She was the beautiful Rebecca Hildreth, you know. I suppose he just can't get over his wife's death. She was the beautiful Rebecca Hildreth, you know. But he's a broken man. I Bon jour. NURSE Bon jour. MRS. VAN HOPPER Well, where are you going? I Oh, I thought I'd take a tennis lesson. MRS. VAN HOPPER Oh, I see. I suppose you've had a look at the pro and he's desperately handsome, and you've conceived a schoolgirl crush on him. All right, go ahead, make the most of it. MAXIM Off duty? I Oh, yes. Mrs. Van Hopper's cold has turned into flu, so she's got a trained nurse. MAXIM Oh, I'm for the nurse. You keen on tennis? I No, not particularly. MAXIM That's good. We'll go for a drive. I Good afternoon, Mrs. Van Hopper. How are you feeling? MRS. VAN HOPPER You got on rather well with him, didn't you? That pro must have been teaching you other things than tennis. Hurry up, I want you to make some calls. I wonder if Mr. de Winter is still in the hotel. I May I go now? MRS. VAN HOPPER For the number of lessons you've had you ought to be ready for Wimbledon. But this will be your last -- so make the most of it. Trouble is, with me laid up like this, you haven't had enough to do. But I'm getting rid of that nurse today, and from now on you'll stick to your job. I Yes, Mrs. Van Hopper. MRS. VAN HOPPER Nurse! NURSE Yes, Mrs. Van Hopper. MRS. VAN HOPPER Are you absolutely sure you left those messages for Mr. de Winter? NURSE Why, yes, Madame. MRS. VAN HOPPER I simply can't believe it. He would most certainly have called me back. Oh, well, poor boy -- I simply hate to see him so alone. I You know, I -- I wish there could be an invention that bottled up the memory like perfume. And it never faded, never got stale, and whenever I wanted to, I could uncork the bottle and live the memory all over again. MAXIM And what particular moment in your young life would you want to keep? I Oh, all of them -- all of these last few days. I -- I feel as though I -- I'd collected a whole shelf full of bottles. MAXIM Sometimes, you know, those little bottles contain demons that have a way of popping out at you just as you're trying most desperately to forget. Stop biting your nails! I Oh, I wish I were a woman of thirty-six, dressed in black satin, with a string of pearls. MAXIM You wouldn't be here with me if you were. I Would you please tell me, Mr. de Winter, why you ask me to come out with you? Oh, it's obvious that you want to be kind, but -- why do you choose me for your charity? MAXIM I asked you to come out with me because I wanted your company. You've blotted out the past for me more than all the bright lights of Monte Carlo. But if you think I just asked you out of kindness or charity, you can leave the car now and find your own way home. Go on, open the door and get out! MAXIM Better blow your nose. Please don't call me Mr. de Winter. I have a very impressive array of first names. George Fortescue Maximilian. But you needn't bother with them all at once. My family call me Maxim. And another thing. Please promise me never to wear black satin or pearls, or to be thirty-six years old. I Yes, Maxim. MRS. VAN HOPPER For the love of Pete! Come here! MRS. VAN HOPPER What do you think? My daughter's engaged to be married. I Oh, really? How nice! MRS. VAN HOPPER We must leave for New York at once. Get reservations on the Aquitania, and we'll take the twelve-thirty train for Cherbourg. Hurry up and get in a maid to help with the packing! We've no time to waste. Go on and don't dawdle! I Mr. de Winter, please. Oh, he's gone out riding? He won't be back till noon? Oh... Give me the porter, please. I I'll go and see if there's anything left in my room. I Has Mr. de Winter come in yet? Oh, he has? Would you connect me, please? I Oh -- I -- I -- I was looking for my book. I -- I -- I suppose I packed it. MRS. VAN HOPPER Well, come on. The car's waiting at the door! I I'd like to leave a forwarding address if they happen to find that book. I Would you ring Mr. de Winter, please? CONCIERGE Yes, Madam. Cent quartre-vingt-deux. CONCIERGE There isn't any answer. I Thank you -- MRS. VAN HOPPER Tell her to hurry up! COMMISSIONAIRE Yes, Madam. I I was looking for Mr. de Winter. WAITER Mr. de Winter just ordered breakfast in his room, Mademoiselle. MAXIM Come in. MAXIM Hello... what are you doing here? Anything the matter? I I've come to say goodbye. We're going away. MAXIM What on earth are you talking about? I It's true. We're going now, and -- I was afraid I wouldn't see you again. MAXIM Where's she taking you to? I New York. I don't want to go. I shall hate it. I shall be miserable. MAXIM I'll dress in here. I shan't be long. MAXIM Which would you prefer, New York or Manderley? I Oh, please don't joke about it. Mrs. Van Hopper's waiting, and I -- I'd better say goodbye now. MAXIM I'll repeat what I said -- either you go to America with Mrs. Van Hopper or you come home to Manderley with me. I You mean you want a secretary or something? MAXIM I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool. MAXIM Come in! Is that my food? I'm famished. I didn't have any breakfast. MAXIM Ah, my suggestion doesn't seem to have gone at all. Well -- I'm sorry. I Oh, but you don't understand -- it's that -- I -- well, I'm not the sort of person men marry. MAXIM What on earth do you mean? I I don't belong in your sort of world, for -- for one thing. MAXIM Well, what is my sort of world? I Oh, well, Manderley -- you know what I mean. MAXIM Well, I'm the best judge of whether you belong there or not. Of course, if you don't love me, that's a different thing. Fine blow to my conceit, that's all. I Oh, I do love you! I love you most dreadfully. I've been crying all morning because I thought I'd never see you again! MAXIM Bless you for that. I'll remind you of this one day... you won't believe me. It's pity you have to grow up. Oh, now that's settled, you may pour me out some coffee. Two lumps of sugar and some milk, please. Same with my tea. Don't forget. Who's going to break the news to Mrs. Van Hopper, shall you or shall I? I Oh, you tell her. She'll be so angry. MAXIM What's the number of her room? I Oh, she's not there. She's -- she's downstairs in the car. MAXIM Hello. Give me the desk, please. Hello. You'll find Mrs. Van Hopper waiting outside in the car. Would you ask her with my compliments if she'd very kindly come and see me in my room? Yes, in my room. CLERK Mr. de Winter says please for you to come up to his room. MRS. VAN HOPPER Mr. de Winter? Why certainly. MAXIM (laughs)This isn't at all your idea of a proposal, is it? It should be in a conservatory -- you in a white frock with a red rose in your hand, and a violin playing in the distance -- and I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree. Poor darling -- never mind. I Oh, I don't mind. MAXIM Don't worry. Don't worry. You won't have to say a word. MRS. VAN HOPPER I'm so glad you called me, Mr. de Winter. I was making a hasty departure, it was so rude of me not to let you know, but a cable came this morning announcing that my daughter is engaged to be married. MAXIM That's rather a coincidence, Mrs. Van Hopper. I asked you up here in order to tell you of my engagement. MRS. VAN HOPPER You don't mean it! Why how perfectly wonderful! How romantic! Who is the lucky lady? MAXIM I apologize for depriving you of your companion in this abrupt way. I do hope it won't inconvenience you too greatly. MRS. VAN HOPPER When did all this happen? I Just now, Mrs. Van Hopper. Just a few minutes ago. MRS. VAN HOPPER I simply can't believe it. And I suppose I ought to scold you for not having breathed a word of all this to me. What am I thinking of -- I should give you both my congratulations and my blessings. I'm very happy for you both. When and where is the wedding to be? MAXIM Here. As soon as possible. MRS. VAN HOPPER A whirlwind romance! Splendid! I can easily postpone my sailing for a week. This poor child has no mother, so I shall take responsibility for all the arrangements -- trousseau, reception, and everything. And I'll give the bride away. But our luggage! Go down and tell the porter to take everything out of the car. MAXIM Just a minute. We're most grateful, Mrs. Van Hopper. But I think we both prefer to have it all as quiet as possible. And I couldn't possibly allow you to change your sailing plans. MRS. VAN HOPPER Oh, please... MAXIM No, no, no. Dear, I'll go down and see that your luggage is brought back. I Thank you, Maxim. MRS. VAN HOPPER So this is what has been happening during my illness. Tennis lessons, my foot! I suppose I have to hand it to you for a fast worker. How did you manage it? Still waters certainly run deep! Tell me, have you been doing anything you shouldn't? I I -- I don't know what you mean. MRS. VAN HOPPER Oh, well, never mind. I always did say that Englishmen have strange tastes. But you'll certainly have your work cut out as mistress of Manderley. To be perfectly frank with you, my dear, I can't see you doing it. You haven't the experience, you haven't the faintest idea what it means to be a great lady. Of course, you know why he's marrying you, don't you? You haven't flattered yourself that he's in love with you. Fact is that empty house got on his nerves to such an extent, he nearly went off his head. He just couldn't go on living alone. I You'd better leave, Mrs. Van Hopper. You'll miss your train. MRS. VAN HOPPER Huh! Mrs. de Winter! Goodbye, my dear, and good luck! MAYOR Monsieur! Vous avez oubliez votre carnetde mariage! MAXIM He says I've forgotten that proof that we're married. I Oh, good heavens! MAXIM Ah, somebody else had the same idea. I Isn't she sweet? MAXIM Yes. You'd have liked a bridal veil, wouldn't you? Or at least... MAXIM Madame -- Madame -- Combien 'a fait? Tout de tout? Je vous remercie mille fois, Madame, merci. I Oh, Maxim, how lovely! Oh, how perfectly lovely! Ah -- oh, how perfectly lovely! GATEKEEPER Welcome home, Mr. de Winter! MAXIM Thank you, Smith! MAXIM Cold, darling? I Yes, just a little bit. MAXIM There's no need to be frightened, you know. Just be yourself, and they'll all adore you. You don't have to worry about the house at all. Mrs. Danvers is the housekeeper. Just leave it to her. MAXIM Hello -- starting to rain. Better hurry up. Here -- have this. Put it over your head. I Thank you. MAXIM That's it! That's Manderley! MAXIM Here we are. Frith, everybody well? FRITH Yes, thank you, sir. Glad to see you home, sir. MAXIM This is Mrs. de Winter, Frith. I How do you do? MAXIM I didn't expect the whole staff to be in attendance. FRITH Mrs. Danvers' orders, sir. MAXIM Oh. Sorry about this. It won't take long. MAXIM This is Mrs. Danvers. I How do you do? Mrs. DANVERS How do you do? I have everything in readiness for you. I That's very good of you. I -- I didn't expect anything. MAXIM I think we'd like some tea, Frith. FRITH Ready in the library, sir. MAXIM Come along, darling. I Oh, Maxim! Come in! I Oh, good evening, Mrs. Danvers. MRS. DANVERS Good evening, Madam. I hope Alice was satisfactory, Madam? I Oh, yes, thank you. Perfectly. MRS. DANVERS She's the parlor-maid. She'll have to look after you until your own maid arrives. I Oh, but I haven't a maid. I -- I'm sure Alice will do very nicely. MRS. DANVERS I'm afraid that would not do for very long, Madam. It's usual for ladies in your position to have a personal maid. I hope you approve the -- new decoration of these rooms, Madam? I Oh, I -- I didn't know it'd been changed. I hope you haven't been to too much trouble. MRS. DANVERS I only followed out Mr. de Winter's instructions. I Oh. Well, what did it look like before? MRS. DANVERS I Oh, then it wasn't Mr. de Winter's room originally? MRS. DANVERS No, Madam. He's never used the East wing before. Of course, there's no view of the sea from here. The only good view of the sea is from the West wing. I The room's very charming, and I'm sure I'll be comfortable. MRS. DANVERS If there's anything you want done, Madam, You've only to tell me. I I suppose you've been at Manderley for many years -- longer than anyone else? MRS. DANVERS Not so long as Frith. He was here when the old gentleman was living -- when Mr. de Winter was a boy. I I see. And you didn't come until after that? MRS. DANVERS I came here when the first Mrs. de Winter was a bride. I Mrs. Danvers, I -- I do hope we'd be friends. Ah, you must be patient with me. This sort of life is new to me, and I do want to make a success of it and make Mr. de Winter happy. So I know I can leave all the household arrangements to you. MRS. DANVERS Very well. I hope I shall do everything to your satisfaction, Madam. I've managed the house since Mrs. de Winter's death, and Mr. de Winter has never complained. I I think I'll go downstairs now. MRS. DANVERS That room in the West wing I was telling you about is there through that door. It's not used now. It's the most beautiful room in the house -- the only one that looks down across the lawns to the sea. It was Mrs. de Winter's room. FRANK Good morning. I Good morning. FRANK You're Mrs. de Winter, aren't you? I Yes. FRANK Uh -- my name's Crawley. I -- I manage the estate for Maxim. Awfully glad to meet you. Fearful lot of stuff piled up while Maxim was away. I Yes, I -- I'm sure there must have been. I -- I, I do wish I could help with some of it. MAXIM No, no -- Frank never allows anybody to help him. Like an old mother hen with his bills and rents and taxes. Come on, Frank, we must go over these estimates. FRANK I'll get my papers. MAXIM You'll find quantities of breakfast over there. But you must eat it all, or cook will be mortally offended. I I'll do my best, Maxim. MAXIM I have to go over the place with Frank just to make sure he hasn't lost any of it. You'll be all right, won't you? I Um-hum. MAXIM Um-hum. Getting acquainted with your new home? Have a look at the Times -- there's a thrilling article on what's the matter with English cricket. Oh... yes -- er -- ah, my sister, Beatrice, and her husband, Giles Lacy, have invited themselves over for lunch. I Today? MAXIM Yeah. I suppose the old girl can't wait to look you over. You'll find her very direct. If she doesn't like you, she'll probably tell you so to your face. Don't worry, darling -- I'll be back in time to protect you from her. Goodbye, darling. I Goodbye, Maxim. FRANK Goodbye. I Goodbye. FRITH Good morning, Madam. I Good morning, Frith. FRITH Isn't there anything I could get for you, Madam? I Oh. No, thank you, Frith. I'm -- really not very hungry. FRITH The -- paper, Madam. I Oh, yes. Thank you, Frith. FRITH Madam... I I slipped. Oh, thank you, Frith. I It's big, isn't it? FRITH Yes, Madam. Manderley is a big place. This was the banquet hall in the old days. It's still used on great occasions, such as a big dinner or a ball, and the public is admitted here, you know, once a week. I That's nice. FRITH I beg pardon, Madam. I'm afraid the fire is not usually lit in the library until the afternoon. But you will find one in the morning room. Of course, if you wish this fire lit now, Madam... I Oh, no, Frith. I wouldn't dream of it. FRITH Mrs. de Winter -- Um-m-m -- I mean, the late Mrs. de Winter always did her correspondence and telephoning in the morning room -- after breakfast. I Thank you, Frith. FRITH Is there anything wrong, Madam? I Oh -- no. Oh -- which way is the morning room? FRITH Uh, it's that door there on the left. I Oh, yes. Thank you. I Mrs. de Winter? Oh, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. Mrs. de Winter's been dead for over a year. I Oh -- I mean -- ah... oh... MRS. DANVERS That was the house telephone, Madam. Probably the head gardener wishing instructions. I Did you want to see me, Mrs. Danvers? MRS. DANVERS Mr. de Winter informed me that his sister, Mrs. Lacy, and Major Lacy are expected for luncheon. I'd like to know if you approve of the menu. I Oh -- well -- well, I -- I'm sure it's very suitable -- very -- very nice, indeed. MRS. DANVERS You'll notice, Madam, that I've left a blank space for the sauce. Mrs. de Winter was most particular about sauces. I Ah -- let's have whatever you think that Mrs. de Winter would've ordered. MRS. DANVERS Thank you, Madam. When you've finished your letters, Robert will take them to the post. I My let -- my letters? Oh, yes. Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Danvers. BEATRICE How are you, Frith? FRITH Good morning, Mrs. Lacy. BEATRICE Where's Mr. de Winter? FRITH I believe he went down to the farm with Mr. Crawley. BEATRICE How tiresome of him not to be here when we arrive, and how typical! BEATRICE I must say old Danvers keeps the house looking lovely. She certainly learned that trick of arranging flowers from Rebecca. GILES I wonder how she likes it now -- being ordered about by an ex-chorus girl. BEATRICE Now where on earth did you get the idea she's an ex-chorus girl? GILES He picked her up in the South of France, didn't he? BEATRICE What if he did? GILES Well -- I mean to say -- there you are. I How do you do? I -- I'm Maxim's wife. BEATRICE How do you do? Well, I must say you're quite different from what I expected. GILES Don't be so silly. She's exactly what I told you she'd be. Well -- how d'you like Manderley? I Very beautiful, isn't it? BEATRICE And how do you get along with Mrs. Danvers? I Well, I -- I've never met anyone quite like her before. GILES You mean she scares you? She's not exactly an oil painting, is she? BEATRICE Giles, you're very much in the way here. Go somewhere else. GILES Well, I'll try and find Maxim, shall I? BEATRICE Giles. I I -- I didn't mean to say anything against Mrs. Danvers. It... BEATRICE Oh, there's no need for you to be frightened about her. But I shouldn't have any more to do with her than you can help. Shall we sit down? I Oh, yes -- yes, please. BEATRICE You see, she's bound to be insanely jealous at first and she must resent you bitterly. I But why should she? BEATRICE Don't you know? I should've thought Maxim would have told you. She simply adored Rebecca. BEATRICE How are you, Robert? ROBERT Quite well, thank you, Madam. BEATRICE Still having trouble with your teeth? ROBERT Unfortunately yes, Madam. BEATRICE You must have them out -- all of them! Wretched nuisances, teeth. ROBERT Thank you, Madam. BEATRICE Oh, a plateful! GILES Do you hunt? I No, I don't. I -- I'm afraid I don't even ride. GILES Oh, have to ride down here. We all do. Which do you ride -- side saddle or astride? Oh, yes, of course, I forgot you don't, do you? You must. Nothing else to do down here. BEATRICE Maxim, when're you going to have parties here again like the old days? MAXIM Oh, I haven't thought about it. BEATRICE But everyone's dying to see you and... MAXIM Yes, I bet they are. BEATRICE Why don't you have the masquerade ball again this summer? MAXIM Er... BEATRICE My dear, are you fond of dancing? I Oh, I love it, but I'm not very good at it. GILES Do you rhumba? I I've never tried. GILES You must teach me. I say, old boy, I'm trying to find out exactly what your wife does do. MAXIM Ah... she sketches a little. GILES Sketches! Not this modern stuff, I hope. You know -- portrait of a lamp shade upside down to represent a soul in torment. You don't sail, do you? I No -- I don't. GILES Um hum, thank goodness for that! Huh? BEATRICE You're very much in love with Maxim, aren't you? Yes, I've seen you are. Don't mind my saying so, but why don't you do something about your hair? Why don't you have it cut or sweep it back behind your ears? BEATRICE Oh, no, that's worse. What does Maxim say about it? Does he like it like that? I Well, he never mentions it. BEATRICE Oh, well, don't go by me. I can see by the way you dress you don't care a hoot how you look. But I wonder Maxim hasn't been at you. He's so particular about clothes. I I don't think he ever notices what I wear. BEATRICE Oh, well -- he must have changed a lot then. You mustn't worry about old Maxim and his moods. One never knows what goes on in that quiet mind of his. Often he gets into a terrible rage, and when he does -- (whistles)... huh, but I don't suppose he'll lose his temper with you. You seem such a placid little thing. GILES Come along, old girl. We've got to be on the first tee at three o'clock. BEATRICE All right. I'm coming. GILES Well, goodbye, Maxim, old boy. BEATRICE Goodbye, my dear. Forgive me for asking so many rude questions. We both really hope you'll be very happy. I Oh, thank you, Beatrice, thank you very much! BEATRICE And I must congratulate you upon the way Maxim looks. We were very worried about him this time last year. But then, of course, you know the whole story. MAXIM Goodbye, Beatrice. BEATRICE Goodbye, old boy. MAXIM Well, thank heavens, they've gone! Now we can have a walk about that place. Looks as though we might have a shower, but you won't mind that, will you? I No, but wait a minute. I'll run upstairs and get a coat. MAXIM There's a heap of mackintoshes in the flower room. Robert! Robert, run and get a coat from the flower room for Mrs. de Winter, will you? What did you think of Beatrice? I Oh, I liked her very much. But she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected. MAXIM Well, what the devil did she expect? I Oh, someone -- smarter and more sophisticated, I'm afraid. Er... d'you like my hair? MAXIM Your hair? Yes, of course, I do. What's the matter with it? I Oh, I don't know. I just wondered. MAXIM How funny you are. MAXIM Thank you. I Do I have to put it on? MAXIM Yes, certainly, certainly, certainly. Can't be too careful with children. Come on, Jasper! Come on and take some of that fat off! MAXIM Jasper! Here, not that way! Come here! (whistles) I Where does that lead to? MAXIM Oh, it leads to a little cove where we used to keep a boat. I Oh, let's go down there. MAXIM Oh, no, it's a perfectly dull and uninteresting stretch of sand -- just like any other. I Oh, please. MAXIM Well, all right -- we'll -- walk down and take a look if you really want to. I That's Jasper. There must be something wrong. Perhaps he's hurt himself. MAXIM No, he's all right. Leave him alone. I Don't you think I'd better go and see? MAXIM Don't bother about him, I tell you! He can't come to any harm! He'll find his own way back! I Jasper! Jasper! Oh, there you are. What do you want in there, Jasper? Come on -- come on home -- let's go home. Jasper! Jasper! I Oh. I didn't know that there was anybody. BEN I know that dog. He comes fr'the house. He ain't your own. I No, he's -- he's Mr. de Winter's dog. Have you anything I could -- I could tie him with? I Come here, Jasper. BEN You won't tell anyone you saw me in there, will ye? I Don't you belong on the estate? BEN I warn't doin' nothin'. I was just puttin' my shells away. She is gone in the sea, ain't she? She'll never come back no more. I No, she'll never come back. Come on. Jasper. I Maxim! What's the matter? Maxim! I'm sorry I was such a time, but I had to get a rope for Jasper. MAXIM Hurry up, Jasper, for heaven's sake! I Please wait for me! Maxim, what is it? You look so angry! MAXIM You know I didn't want you to go there, but you deliberately went. I Why not? There was only a cottage down there, and a strange man who was... MAXIM You didn't go into the cottage, did you? I Yes. The door... MAXIM Well, don't go there again! Do you hear? I Well, why not? MAXIM Because I hate the place. And if you had my memories, you wouldn't go there or talk about it or even think about it! I What's the matter? Oh, I'm sorry. Please! MAXIM We should have stayed away. We should never have come back to Manderley. Oh, what a fool I was! I I've made you unhappy. Somehow I've hurt you. Oh, I can't bear to see you like this. Because I love you so much. MAXIM Do you? Do you? Ah, I've made you cry. Forgive me. I sometimes seem to fly off the handle for no reason at all -- don't I? Come. We'll go home and have some tea and forget all about it. I Yes, let's forget all about it. MAXIM Here, let me have Jasper. FRANK Hello! Come in! I Oh, please don't get up, Mr. Crawley. I -- I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day about -- er -- showing me the run of things. FRANK Of course, I did. I What are you doing now? FRANK Notifying all the tenants that in celebration of Maxim's return -- with his bride -- this week's rent will be free. I Oh, is that Maxim's idea? FRANK Oh, yes. All the servants get an extra week's wages, too. I Oh, he didn't tell me. (laughs) Oh, can't I help you? I -- I could at least lick the stamps. FRANK That's terribly nice of you. But, won't you sit down? I Oh, yes. Thank you. I -- I was down at the cottage on the beach the other day. There was a man there -- a queer sort of person. Jasper kept barking at him. FRANK Oh, yes -- must have been Ben. Excuse me. He's quite harmless. We give him odd jobs now and then. I That cottage place seems to be going to rack and ruin. Why isn't something done about it? FRANK Oh, I think if Maxim wanted anything done about it, he'd tell me. I Are those all Rebecca's things down there? FRANK Yes. Yes, they are. I What did she use the cottage for? FRANK The boat used to be moored near there. I What boat? What happened to it? Was that the boat she was sailing in when she was drowned? FRANK Yes. Capsized and sank. She was washed overboard. I Wasn't she afraid to go out like that alone? FRANK She wasn't afraid of anything. I Where did they find her? FRANK Near Edgecombe -- about forty miles up channel about two months afterwards. Maxim went up to identify her. It was horrible for him. I Yes, it must have been. Mr. Crawley, please don't think me morbidly curious. It isn't that, it's just that I feel at such a disadvantage. All the time whenever I meet anyone -- Maxim's sister, or even the servants -- I know they're all thinking the same thing. They're all comparing me with her -- with Rebecca. FRANK Oh, you mustn't think that. I can't tell you how glad I am that you married Maxim. It's going to make all the difference to his life. And, from my point of view, it -- it's very refreshing to find someone like yourself who is not entirely -- in tune, shall we say, with Manderley. I That's very sweet of you. I daresay I -- I've been stupid, but everyday I realize the things that she had and that I lack -- beauty, and wit, and intelligence, and all the things that are so important in a woman. FRANK You have qualities that are just as important -- more important, if I may say so. Kindliness, and sincerity, and if you'll forgive me, modesty -- mean more to a husband than all the wit and beauty in the world. We none of us want to live in the past. Maxim least of all. It's up to you, you know, to lead us away from it. I Well, I promise you I won't bring this up again, but before we end this conversation, would you answer just one more question? FRANK If it's something I'm able to answer, I'll -- in my best. I Tell me, what was Rebecca really like? FRANK I suppose -- I suppose she was the most beautiful creature I ever saw. I Good evening, Maxim. MAXIM Hello. The films of the honeymoon have arrived at last. Do we have time, do you think, before dinner? What on earth have you done to yourself? I Oh, nothing. I -- I just ordered a new dress from London. I hope you don't mind. MAXIM Oh, no, no. Only -- do you think that sort of thing is right for you? It doesn't seem your type at all. I I thought you'd like it. MAXIM And what have you done to your hair? (laughs) Oh, I see. Oh, dear -- oh, dear -- oh, dear -- I'm sorry. (laughs) You look lovely -- lovely. That's very nice -- for a change. Shall we see these pictures? I Yes. I --I'd love to see them. MAXIM Ah, look now. Ah, look at that. I Wasn't it wonderful, darling. Can't we go back there someday? MAXIM (laughs) Yes, of course -- of course. Ah, look at you. There, won't our grandchildren be delighted when they see how lovely you were? I Oh, look at you. MAXIM Eh -- (laughs) -- oh, this... Oh, I... I Oh, I like that. (laughs) Look at that. MAXIM (laughs) Yes, very nice. I Oh, remember that? MAXIM Yes. I Oh, I wish our honeymoon could have lasted forever, Maxim. MAXIM Oh, dash it, look. Oh -- oh -- oh -- hang it. Threaded it up wrong as usual, or something. MAXIM Yes, Frith. What is it? FRITH Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you? MAXIM Yes. Come in. FRITH It's about Robert, sir. There's been a slight unpleasantness between him and Mrs. Danvers. MAXIM Oh, dear. FRITH Robert is very upset. MAXIM Oh, this is trouble. What is it? FRITH It appears that Mrs. Danvers has accused Robert of stealing a valuable ornament from the morning room. Robert denies the accusation most emphatically, sir. MAXIM What was the thing, anyway? FRITH China cupid, sir. MAXIM Oh, dear, that's one of our treasures, isn't it? Well, tell Mrs. Danvers to get to the bottom of it somehow and tell her I'm sure it wasn't Robert. FRITH Very good, sir. MAXIM Why do they come to me with these things? That's your job, sweetheart. I Maxim, I -- I wanted to tell you, but -- er -- well, I forgot. Fact is -- I broke the china cupid. MAXIM You broke it! Now why on earth didn't you say something about it when Frith was here? I I -- I don't know. I -- I didn't like to. I -- I was afraid he'd think me a fool. MAXIM Well, he'll think you're much more of a fool now. You'll have to explain to him and Mrs. Danvers. I Oh, no, Maxim. You do it. I'll -- I'll go upstairs. MAXIM Don't be such a little idiot, darling. Anybody would think you were afraid of them. MAXIM It's all a mistake, Mrs. Danvers. Apparently Mrs. de Winter broke the cupid herself and forgot to say anything about it. I I'm so sorry. I -- I never thought that I'd get Robert into trouble. MRS. DANVERS Is it possible to repair the ornament, Madam? I No, I'm afraid it isn't. It -- was smashed into pieces. MAXIM What did you do with the pieces? I Well, I -- I put them -- at the back of one of the drawers in the writing desk. MAXIM Ah, it looks as though Mrs. de Winter were afraid you were going to put her in prison, doesn't it, Mrs. Danvers? Well, never mind. Do what you can to find the pieces, see if they can be mended and above all, tell Rovert to dry his tears. MRS. DANVERS I shall apologize to Robert, of course. Perhaps if such a thing happens again, Mrs. de Winter will tell me personally and I... MAXIM Yes, yes. All right. Thank you, Mrs. Danvers. MAXIM Well, I suppose that clip will hold all right, I don't know. I I'm awfully sorry, darling. It was very careless of me. Mrs. Danvers must be furious with me. MAXIM Oh, hang Mrs. Danvers. Why on earth should you be frightened of her? You behave more like a... upstairs maid or something, not like the mistress of the house at all. I Yes, I know I do. But -- I feel so uncomfortable. I -- I try my best every day, but -- it's very difficult with people looking up and down as if I were a prize cow. MAXIM Well, what does it matter if they do? You must remember that life at Manderley is the only thing that interests anybody down here. I What a slap in the eye I must have been to them, then. I suppose that's why you married me. Because you know I was dull and gauche and inexperienced, and -- there could never be any gossip about me. MAXIM Gossip? What do you mean? I I -- I don't know. I -- I just said it for something to say. Don't look at me like that. Maxim, what's the matter? What have I said? MAXIM It wasn't a very attractive thing to say, was it? I No. It was rude -- hateful. MAXIM I wonder if I did a very selfish thing in marring you. I How do you mean? MAXIM I'm not much of a companion to you, am I? You don't get much fun, do you? You ought to have married a boy, someone of your own age. I Maxim, why do you say this? Of course we're companions. MAXIM Are we? I don't know. I'm very difficult to live with. I No, you're not difficult. You're easy, very easy. Our marriage is a success, isn't it? A great success. We're happy, aren't we? Terribly happy? If you don't think we are happy, it would be much better if you didn't pretend. I'll go away. Why don't you answer me? MAXIM How can I answer you, when I don't know the answer myself? If you say we're happy, let's leave it at that. Happiness is something I know nothing about. MAXIM Oh, look. There's the one when I left the camera running on the tripod, remember? HILDA Pardon me, Madam. Is there anything I can do for you? I I'm all right, Hilda. Thank you very much. HILDA I'll bring the sandwiches immediately, Madam. I Hilda! HILDA Yes, Madam? I The West Wing. Nobody ever uses it any more, do they? HILDA No, Madam, not since the death of Mrs. de Winter. MRS. DANVERS Come along, Mr. Jack, or someone may see you. FAVEL Well, Danny, old harpy, it's been good to see you again. It should be breathless to pick up all the news. MRS. DANVERS I really don't think it's wise for you to come here, Mr. Jack. I Jasper, come here! FAVEL Oh, nonsense, nonsence. It's just like coming back home. MRS. DANVERS Quiet, Mr. Jack. FAVEL Yes. We must be careful not to shock Cinderella, mustn't we? MRS. DANVERS She's in the morning room. If you leave through the garden door, she won't see you. FAVEL I must say I feel a little like the poor relation, sneaking around through back doors. Well, toodle-oo, Danny. MRS. DANVERS Goodbye, Mr. Jack, and please be careful. I Jasper, quiet, quiet! FAVEL Looking for me? Oh, I didn't make you jump, did I? I No, of course not. I didn't quite know who it was. FAVEL Yes. You're pleased to see me, aren't you, old boy? I'm glad there's someone in the family to welcome me back to Manderley. And how is dear old Max? I Very well, thank you. FAVEL I hear he went up to London -- left his little bride all alone. That's too bad. Isn't he rather afraid that somebody might come down and carry you off? FAVELL Danny, all your precautions were in vain. The mistress of the house was hiding behind the door. Oh -- hhh -- what about presenting me -- to the bride? MRS. DANVERS This is Mr. Favel, Madam. I How do you do? FAVEL How do you do? I Well, won't you have some tea, or something? FAVEL Oh, now, isn't that a charming invitation? I've been asked to stay to tea, Danny, and I've a good mind to accept. Oh, well, perhaps you're right. Pity, just when we were getting on so nicely. We mustn't lead the young bride astray, must we, Jasper? Goodbye, it's been fun meeting you. Oh, by the way, er -- it would be very decent of you if you didn't mention this little visit to your revered husband. He -- er -- doesn't exactly approve of me. I Very well. FAVEL That's very sporting of you. I wish I had a young bride of three months waiting for me at home. I'm just a lonely old bachelor. Fare thee well. Oh, and -- er -- I know what was wrong with that introduction. Danny didn't tell you, did she? I'm Rebecca's favorite cousin. Toodle-oo! MRS. DANVERS Do you wish anytihg, Madam? I I didn't expect to see you, Mrs. Danvers. I -- I noticed that a window wasn't closed, and I came up to see if I could fasten it. MRS. DANVERS Why did you say that? I closed it before I left the room. You opened it yourself, didn't you? You've always wanted to see this room, haven't you, Madam? Why did you never ask me to show it to you? I was ready to show it to you every day. It's a lovely room, isn't it? Loveliest room you've ever seen. Everything is kept just as Mrs. de Winter liked it. Nothing has been altered since that last night. Come. I'll show you her dressing room. MRS. DANVERS This is where I keep all her clothes. You would like to see them, wouldn't you? MRS. DANVERS Feel this. It was a Christmas present from Mr. de Winter. He was always giving her expensive gifts, the whole year round. I keep her underwear on this side. MRS. DANVERS They were made specially for her by the nuns in the Convent of St. Claire. I always used to wait up for her, no matter how late. Sometimes she and Mr. de Winter didn't come home until dawn. While she was undressing, she'd tell me about the party she'd been to. She knew everyone that mattered, everyone loved her! When she'd finished her bath, she'd go into the bedroom, and go over to the dressing table. MRS. DANVERS Oh, you've moved her brush, haven't you? There, that's better, just as she always laid it down. 'Come on, Danny, hair drill,' she would say. And I'd stand behind her like this and brush away for twenty minutes at a time. Then she would say, 'Good night, Danny,' and step into her bed. MRS. DANVERS I embroidered this case for her myself, and I keep it here always. MRS. DANVERS Did you ever see anything so delicate? Look, you can see my hand. MRS. DANVERS You wouldn't think she'd been gone so long, would you. Sometimes when I walk along the corridor, I fancy I hear her just behind me -- that quick, light step. I couldn't mistake it anywhere. Not only this room - - it's all the rooms in the house. I almost hear it now. Do you think the dead come back and watch the living? I No -- no! I don't believe it! MRS. DANVERS Sometimes, I wonder if she doesn't come back here to Manderley, watch you and Mr. de Winter together. You look tired. Why don't you stay here a while and rest. Listen to the sea. So soothing... listen to it... listen... listen to the sea. I Tell Mrs. Danvers I wish to see her immediately. MRS. DANVERS You sent for me, Madam? I Yes, Mrs. Danvers. I want you to get rid of all these things. MRS. DANVERS These are Mrs. de Winter's things. I I am Mrs. de Winter now. MRS. DANVERS Very well. I will give the instructions. I Just a moment, please. Mrs. Danvers, I intend to say nothing to Mr. de Winter about Mr. Favell's visit. In fact, I prefer to forget everything that happened this afternoon. I Maxim, Maxim. You've been gone all day. MAXIM (laughs) Chocking. I Oh. MAXIM (laughs) Well, well, well. What have you been doing with yourself? I Oh, I've been thinking. MAXIM Oh, what did you want to do that for? I Well, come in here and I'll tell you. Darling, could we have a costume ball just as you used to? MAXIM Now what put that idea into your mind? Has Beatrice been at you? I No, no, but -- I feel that we ought to do something to -- to make people feel that Manderley is just the same as it always was. Oh, please, darling. Could we? MAXIM You don't know what it would mean, you know. You would have to be hostress to hundreds of people -- all the County. And a lot of young people would come up from London and turn the house into a night club. I Oh, yes, but I want to, oh, please! I've never been to a large party, but I could learn what to do. And I promise you, you wouldn't be ashamed of me. MAXIM All right, if you think you'd enjoy it. You'd better get Mrs. Danvers to help you, hadn't you? I No, no. I don't need Mrs. Danvers to help me. I can do it myself. MAXIM All right, my sweet. I Oh -- oh, thank you, darling. Thank you. Oh, well -- what'll you go as? MAXIM Oh, I never dress up. That's the one privilege I claim as the host. What will you be? Alice in Wonderland with that ribbon in your hair? I No, I won't tell you. I'll design a costume all by myself and give you the surprise of your life! I Come in! MRS. DANVERS Robert found these sketches in the library, Madam. Did you intend throwing them away? I Yes, Mrs. Danvers, I did. They were just my idea I was sketching for my costume for the Ball. MRS. DANVERS Hasn't Mr. de Winter suggested anything? I No, I want to surprise him. I don't want him to know anything about it. MRS. DANVERS I merely thought that -- you might find a costume among the family portraits that would suit you. I Oh, you mean those at the top of the stairs? I'll go and look at them. MRS. DANVERS This one, for instance. It might have been designed for you. I'm sure you could have it copied. I've heard Mr. de Winter say that this is his favorite of all the paintings. It's Lady Caroline de Winter, one of his ancestors. I Oh, well -- well, well that's a splendid idea, Mrs. Danvers. I -- I'm very grateful. FRANK Everything under control, Frith? FRIRTH Yes, sir. Thank you. Excuse me, sir -- are you supposed to be a -- school-master? FRANK Oh, no. This is just my old cap and gown. FRITH Certainly makes a very nice costume, sir. And -- economical, too. FRANK Yes. That was the idea. GILES 'Evening, Robert! Not very good weather for the Ball? ROBERT No, sir. GILES Very misty on the way. Very chilly. BEATRICE Oh, this wig's so tight, they ought to have sent an asperin with this. MAXIM Huh, hello. BEATRICE Oh! MAXIM What's the idea? Adam and Eve? BEATRICE Oh, Maxim, don't be disgusting. GILES Strong man, old man. Where's my weight thing? MAXIM What thing? BEATRICE You haven't left it in the car, have you? GILES Oh. No, there it is. BEATRICE You the first one down? Where's the child? MAXIM Well, she's keeping her costume a great secret. Wouldn't even let me into her room. BEATRICE Oh, lovely. I'll go up and give her a hand. GILES Huh, I could do with a drink, huh? MAXIM Won't you catch cold in that thing? GILES Don't be silly. Pure wool, old boy. ROBERT Pardon me, sir. You forgot this. GILES Oh, thank you. BEATRICE Here I am, dear. It's Bee. I've come to give you a hand. I Oh, please don't come in, Beatrice. I don't want anyone to see my costume. BEATRICE Oh! Oh, you won't be long, will you? Because the first people will be arriving any moment. I Now, you're sure that's where that should be? CLARICE Yes, Madam. It's just right. I Oh, isn't it exciting! CLARICE Indeed it is, Madam. I've always heard of the Manderley Ball. Now I'm really going to see one. Sure there'll be no one there to touch you, Madam. I Do you really think so? Now -- now where's my fan? Now, you're sure I look all right? CLARICE You look ever so beautiful. I Well -- here goes! I Good evening. Mr. de Winter. MAXIM What the devil do you think you're doing? BEATRICE Rebecca! Oh! I But, i -- i -- it's the picture -- the -- the one in the gallery. What is it? What have I done? MAXIM Go and take it off. Doesn't matter what you put on. Anything will do. What are you standing there for? Didn't you hear what I said? ROBERT Sir George and Lady Moore. Dudley Tennant. Admiral and Lady Burbank. MRS. DANVERS I watched you go down, just as I watched her a year ago. Even in the same dress you couldn't compare. I You knew it. You knew that she wore it, and yet you deliberately suggested I wear it! Why do you hate me? What have I done to you that you should hate me so? MRS. DANVERS You tried to take her place. You let him marry you. I've seen his face, his eyes. They're the same as those first weeks after she died. I used to listen to him -- walking up and down, up and down, all night long, night after night -- thinking of her, suffering torture because he'd lost her. I I don't want to know! MRS. DANVERS You thought you could be Mrs. de Winter -- live in her house, walk in her steps, take the things that were hers. But she's too strong for you. You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her, never, never! She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman -- it was the sea. I Stop it! Stop it -- Oh, stop it! MRS. DANVERS You're overwrought, Madam. I've opened a window for you. A little air will do you good. MRS. DANVERS Why don't you go? Why don't you leave Manderley? He doesn't need you. He's got his memories. He doesn't love you, he wants to be alone again with her. You 've nothing to stay for. You've nothing to live for, really, have you? Look down there. It's easy, isn't it? Why don't you? Why don't you? Go on... go on... don't be afraid. CROWD Ship wreck! Ship on the rocks! It's a ship aground, sending up rockets! Ship wreck! Come on, everybody -- down to the bay! Notify the coast guard! She's aground! I Maxim! Maxim! CROWD Ship's ashore! Come on! Come on, everybody! Come on! Come on! I Maxim! Maxim! I Oh! Ben, have you seen Mr. de Winter anywhere? BEN She won't come back, will she? You said so. I Who, Ben? Who do you mean? BEN Uh -- the other one. I Oh -- Frank, have you seen Maxim anywhere? FRANK Not since about half an hour ago. I thought he'd gone up to the house. I No, he hasn't been in the house at all, and I'm afraid something might have happened to him. Frank, what's the matter? Is anything wrong? There is something wrong. FRANK Well -- the diver who went down to inspect the bottom of the ship came across the hull of another boat -- a little sailboat. I Frank, is it... ? FRANK Yes, it's Rebecca's. I How did they recognize it? FRANK He's a local man -- knew it instantly. I It'll be so hard on poor Maxim. FRANK Yes, it's going to bring it all back again -- and worse than before. I Why did they have to find it? Why couldn't they have left it there in peace at the bottom of the sea? FRANK Well, I --'d better get along and arrange some breakfast for the men. I All right, Frank. I -- I'll go and look for Maxim. MAXIM Hello. I Maxim! You haven't had any sleep. Have you forgiven me? MAXIM Forgiven you? What have I got to forgive you for? I For last night -- my stupidity about the costume. MAXIM Oh, that. I'd forgotten. I was angry with you, wasn't I? I Huh... Maxim, can't we start all over again? I don't ask that you should love me. I won't ask impossible things. I'll be your friend, your companion. I -- I'll be happy with that. MAXIM You love me very much, don't you? But it's too late, my darling. We've lost our little chance of happiness. I No, Maxim, no. MAXIM Yes. It's all over now. The thing's happened. The thing I've dreaded day after day -- night after night. I Maxim, what're you trying to tell me? MAXIM Rebecca has won. Her shadow has been between us all the time, keeping us from one another. She knew that this would happen. I What are you saying? MAXIM They sent a diver down. He found another boat. I Yes, I know. Frank told me. Rebecca's boat. Oh, it's terrible for you. I'm so sorry. MAXIM The diver made another discovery. Broke one of the ports and looked into the cabin. There was a body in there. I She wasn't alone. There was someone sailing with her and you have to find out who it was. That's it, isn't it , Maxim? MAXIM You don't understand. There was no one with her. It's Rebecca's body lying there on the cabin floor. I No, no. MAXIM The woman that was washed up at Edgecombe -- the woman that is now buried in tha family crypt -- that was not Rebecca. That was the body of some unknown woman, unclaimed, belonging nowhere. I identified it, but I knew it wasn't Rebecca. It was all a lie. I knew where Rebecca's body was. Lying on that cabin floor, on the bottom of the sea. I How did you know, Maxim? MAXIM Because I put it there. MAXIM Would you look into my eyes and tell me that you love me now? You see? I was right. It's too late. I No, it's not too late. You're not to say that. I love you more than anything in the world. Oh, please, Maxim, kiss me, please. MAXIM No. It's no use. It's too late. I We can't lose each other now. We must be together always. No secrets, no shadows... MAXIM No. We may have a few days -- a few hours. I Maxim, why didn't you tell me before? MAXIM I nearly did sometimes, but you never seemed close enough. I How could we be close when I knew you were always thinking of Rebecca? How could I even ask you to love me when I knew you love Rebecca still? MAXIM What are you talking about? What do you mean? I Whenever you touched me, I -- I knew you were comparing me with Rebecca. Whenever you looked at me or spoke to me or walked with me in the garden, I knew you were thinking -- 'This, I did with Rebecca -- and this -- and this --.' Oh, it's true, isn't it? MAXIM You thought I loved Rebecca? You thought that? I hated her! MAXIM Oh, I was carried away by her, enchanged by her, as everyone was. And when I was married, I was told I was the luckiest man in the world.. She was so lovely -- so accomplished -- so amusing. 'She's got the three things that really matter in a wife,' everyone said -- 'breeding, brains, and beauty.' And I believed them -- completely. But I never had a moment's happiness with her. She was incapable of love, or tenderness, or decency. I You didn't love her? You didn't love her? MAXIM Do you remember that cliff where you first saw me in Monte Carlo? Well, I went there with Rebecca on our honeymoon. That was where I found out about her -- four days after we were married. She stood there laughing, her black hair blowing in the wind, and told me all about herself -- everything. Things I'll never tell a living soul. I wanted to kill her. It would have been so easy. Remember the precipice? I frightened you, didn't I? You thought I was mad. Perhaps I was. Perhaps I am mad. It wouldn't make for sanity, would it -- living with the devil? 'I'll make a bargain with you,' she said. 'You'd look rather foolish trying to divorce me now after four days of marriage, so I'll play the part of a devoted wife, mistress of your precious Manderley. I'll make it the most famous showplace in England, if you like. And people will visit us and envy us and say we're the luckiest, happiest couple in the country. What a grand joke it will be -- what a triumph!' I should never have accepted her dirty bargain, but I did I Of course I can, darling. Of course I can. MAXIM Well -- I kept the bargain, and so did she apparently. Oh, she played the game brilliantly. But after a while, she began to grow careless. She took a flat in London and she'd stay away for days at a time. Then she started to bring her friends down here. I warned her, but she shrugged her shoulders. 'What's it got to do with you?' she said. She even started on Frank -- poor, faithful Frank. Then there was a cousin of hers -- a man named Favell. I Yes, I know him. He came the day you went to London. MAXIM Why didn't you tell me? I I didn't like to. I -- I thought it would remind you of -- Rebecca. MAXIM Remind me! As if I needed reminding! Favell used to visit her here in this cottage. I found out about it and I warned her that if he came here again I'd shoot them both. One night when I found that she'd come back quietly from London, I thought that Favell was with her -- and I knew then that I couldn't stand this life of filth and deceit any longer. I decided to come down here and have it out with both of them. But she was alone. She was expecting Favell, but he hadn't come. She was lying on the divan, a large tray of cigarette stubs beside her. She looked ill -- queer. Suddenly she got up -- started to walk toward me. "When I have a child," she said, "neither you nor anyone else could ever prove it wasn't yours. You'd like to have an heir, wouldn't you, Max, for your precious Manderley?" And then she started to laugh. "How funny, how supremely, wonderfully funny! I'll be the perfect mother just as I've been the perfect wife. No one will ever know. It ought to give you the thrill of your life, Max, to watch I But you didn't kill her. It was an accident! MAXIM Who would believe me? I lost my head. I just knew I had to do something -- anything. I carried her out to the boat. It was very dark. There was no moon. I put her in the cabin. When the boat seemed a safe distance from the shore, I took a spike and drove it again and again through the planking of the hull. I opened up the seacocks and the water began to come in fast. I climbed over into the dinghy and pulled away. I saw the boat heel over -- and sink. I pulled back into the cove. Huh, started raining. I Maxim, does anyone else know of this? MAXIM No, no one except you and me. I We must explain it. It's got to be the body of someone you've never seen before. MAXIM No, they're bound to know her -- her rings, bracelets she always wore. They'll identify her body. Then they'll remember the other woman -- the other woman buried in the crypt. I If they find out it was Rebecca, you must simply say that you made a mistake about the other body -- that the day you went to Edgecombe you were ill, you didn't know what you were doing. Rebecca's dead. She can't speak, she can't bear witness, she can't harm you anymore. We're the only two people in the world that know, Maxim, you and I. MAXIM I told you once that I'd done a very selfish thing in marrying you. You understand now what I meant. I've loved you, my darling. I shall always love you. But I've known all along -- that Rebecca -- would win in the end. I No, no! She hasn't won! No matter what happens now, she hasn't won! MAXIM Hell -- hel -- oh -- hel -- hello, Frank. Hello, Frank. Yes. Who? Colonel Julyan? Yes, tell him I -- I'll meet him there as soon as I possibly can. What? Well, say we could talk about that, When we're sure about the matter. I What's happened? MAXIM Colonel Julyan called. He's the Chief Constable of the County. He's been asked by the police to go to the mortuary. He wants to know if I could possibly have made a mistake -- about that other body. MAXIM Well -- Colonel Julyan, apparently I did make a mistake about that other body. FRANK The mistake was quite natural under the circumstances. Besides, you weren't well at the time. MAXIM That's nonsense! I was perfectly well. COL. JULYAN Well, don't let it worry you, Maxim. Nobody can blame you for making a mistake. Pity is you've got to go through the same thing all over again. FRANK What do you mean? COL. JULYAN Oh, there'll have to be another inquest, of course. Same formality and red tape. FRANK Oh. COL. JULYAN I wish you could be spared the publicity of it, but I'm afraid that's impossible. MAXIM Oh, yes. Publicity... COL. JULYAN I suppose Mrs. de Winter went below for something and a squall hit the boat -- with nobody at the helm. I imagine that's about the sloution of it, don't you think, Crawley? FRANK Oh, yes. Probably the door jammed, and she couldn't get on deck again. COL. JULYAN Yeah. Tabb, boat builder, will undoubtedly come to some such conclusion. FRANK Why would -- what would he know about it? COL. JULYAN Well, he's examining the boat now. Purely as a matter of routine you know. I'll be at the inquest tomorrow, Maxim. Quite unofficially, you know. We must get together for a game of golf as soon as it's all over, eh? MAXIM Yes. COL. JULYAN Bye-bye. FRITH I have the evening papers, Madam. Would you care to see them? I Oh, no, thank you, Frith. And, I prefer that Mr. de Winter weren't troubled with them either. FRITH Oh, I understand, Madam. Permit me to say that we're all most distressed outside. I Oh, thank you, Frith. FRITH I'm afraid the news has been a great shock to Mrs. Danvers. I Yes, I -- I rather expected it would be. FRITH It seems there's to be a Coroner's Inquest, Madam? I Yes, Frith. It's -- it's purely a formality. FRITH Of course, Madam. I -I wanted to say that if any of us might be required to give evidence, I should be only too pleased to do anything that might help the family. I Oh, thank you, Frith. I -- I'm sure Mr. de Winter will be very happy to hear it. But -- I don't think anything will be necessary. I Maxim! MAXIM Hello, darling. I Oh, Maxim -- I'm -- I'm worried about what you'll do at the inquest tomorrow. MAXIM What do you mean? I You won't lose your temper, will you? Promise me that they -- they won't make you angry. MAXIM All right, darling. I promise. I No matter what he asks you -- you -- you won't lose your head. MAXIM Don't worry, dear. I They can't do anything at once, can they? MAXIM No. I Then we've a little time left to be together? MAXIM Yes. I I want to go to the inquest with you. MAXIM I'd rather you didn't, darling. I But I can't wait here alone. I promise you I -- I won't be any -- any trouble to you, and -- I must be near you so that no matter what happens we -- we won' -- we won't be separated for a moment. MAXIM All right, dear. I don't mind this whole thing, except for you. I can't forget what it's done to you. I've been thinking of nothing else since it happened. Ah, it's gone forever -- that funny, young, lost look I loved. It won't ever come back. I killed that when I told you about Rebecca. It's gone. In a few hours -- you've grown so much older. I Oh, Maxim, Maxim... POLICEMAN Black Jack Brady was his name -- the most important arrest I ever made. It must have been about two years ago, now. Of course, there was no doubt about it. He was hung a month after I caught him. Hello, wait a minute. POLICEMAN They've got old Balmy Ben up now. CORONER You remember the late Mrs. de Winter, don't you? BEN She's gone. CORONER Yes, we know that. BEN She went in the sea. The sea got her. CORONER That's right. That's right. Now -- we want you to tell us whether you were on the shore that last night she went sailing. BEN Eh? CORONER Were you on the shore that last night she went out, when she didn't come back? BEN I didn't see nothin'! I don't want to go to the asylum. Them cruel folks there. CORONER Now, nobody's going to send you to the asylum. All we want you to do is to tell us what you saw. BEN I didn't see nothin'. CORONER Come, come, did you see Mrs. de Winter get into her boat that last night? BEN I don't know nothin'. I don't want to go to the asylum. CORONER Very well, you may go. BEN Eh? CORONER You may go now. CORONER Mr. Tabb. TABB Yes, sir. CORONER Would you step forward, please? TABB I do. CORONER The late Mrs. de Winter used to send her boat to your shipyard for reconditioning. TABB That's right, sir. CORONER Can you remember any occasion when she had any sort of accident with the boat? TABB No, sir. I often said Mrs. de Winter was a born sailor. CORONER Now, when Mrs. de Winter went below, as is supposed, and a sudden guest of wind came down, that would be enough to capsize the boat, wouldn't it? TABB Excuse me, sir. But there's a little more to it than that. CORONER What do you mean, Mr. Tabb? TABB I mean, sir, the seacocks. CORONER What are the seacocks? TABB Seaco -- oh. Oh, the seacocks are the valves to drain out the boat. And they're always kept tight closed when you're afloat. CORONER Yes? TABB Well, yesterday, when I examined that boat, I found they'd been opened. CORONER Well, what could have been the reason for that? TABB Just this. That's what flooded the boat and sunk her. CORONER Are you implying... TABB That boat never capsized at all. I know it's a terrible thing to say, sir, but in my opinion she was scuttled. And there's them 'oles. CORONER What holes? TABB In'er planking. CORONER What are you talking about? TABB Of course that boat's been under water for over a year, and tide's been knocking her against the ridge. But it seemd to me them 'oles looked as if she'd made them from the inside. CORONER Then you believe she must have done it deliberately? TABB Couldn't have been no accident. Not with her knowledge of boats. CORONER You know the former Mrs. de Winter very well, I believe? COL. JULYAN Oh, yes. CORONER Would you have believed her capable of suicide? COL. JULYAN No. Frankly, I would not. You never can tell. CORONER You may stand down, Mr. Tabb. Mr. de Winter, please. CORONER I'm sorry to drag you back for further questioning, Mr. de Winter, but you've heard the statement of Mr. Tabb. I wonder if you can help us in any way? MAXIM I'm afraid not. CORONER Can you think of any reason why there should be holes in the planking of the late Mrs. de Winter's boat? MAXIM Well, of course, I can't think of any reason. CORONER Has anyone ever discussed these holes with you before? MAXIM Well, since the boat has been at the bottom of the ocean, I scarcely think that likely. CORONER Mr. de Winter, I want you to believe we all feel very deeply for you in this matter, but you must remember that I don't conduct this inquiry for my own amusement. MAXIM That's rather obvious, isn't it? CORONER I hope that it is. Then, since Mrs. de Winter went sailing alone, are we to believe that she drove those holes herself? MAXIM You are to believe what you like. CORONER Can you enlighten us as to why Mrs. de Winter should have wanted to end her own life? MAXIM I know of no reason whatever. CORONER Mr. de Winter, however painful it may be, I have to ask you a very personal question. Were relations between you and the late Mrs. de Winter perfectly happy? Were relations between you and the late Mrs. de Winter perfectly happy? MAXIM I won't stand this any longer! And you might as well know now... CORONER We'll return after lunch. Mr. de Winter, I presume you will be available for us then? MAXIM I told you you should have had some breakfast. You're hungry -- that's what's the matter with you. MULLEN Mr. Frith thought you might like to have some lunch from the house, and sent me with it. MAXIM Oh, that's fine, Mullen. Can you pull around the corner? MULLEN Very good. I Awfully foolish of me fainting like that. MAXIM Nonsense. If you hadn't fainted like that, I'd have really lost my temper. I Darling, please be careful. MAXIM Darling, wait here a few moments. I'll see if I can find old Frank. I Of course, darling. Don't worry about me. I'll be all right. MAXIM Sure? Here. Have a spot of this. Do you good. I Thank you. MAXIM Are you all right? I Yes, of course. MAXIM I won't be long. I Right you are. FAVELL Hello. And how does the bride find herself today? I say, marriage with Max is not exactly a bed of roses, is it? I I think you'd better go before Maxim gets back. FAVELL Oh, jealous, is he? Well, I can't say I blame him. But you don't think I'm the big bad wolf, do you? I'm not, you know. I'm a perfectly ordinary, harmless bloke. And I think you're behaving splendedly over all this. Perfectly splendedly. You know, you've grown up a bit since I last saw you. It's no wonder... MAXIM What do you want, Favell? FAVELL Oh, hello, Max. Things are going pretty well for you, aren't they? Better than you ever expected. I was rather worried about you at first. That's why I came down to the inquest. MAXIM Well, I'm touched by your solicitude, but if you don't mind, we'd rather like to have our lunch. FAVELL Lunch! I say, what a jolly idea! Rather like a picnic, isn't it? FAVELL Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you mind if I put this there. You know, Max, old boy, I really think I ought to talk things over with you. MAXIM Talk what things over? FAVELL Well, those holes in the planking for one thing -- those holes that were drilled from the inside. Oh, Mullen! MULLEN Yes, sir? FAVELL Would you, like a good fellow, have my car filled with petrol? It's almost empty. MULLEN Very good, sir. FAVELL And, Mullen, close the door, will you? MULLEN Yes, sir. FAVELL Does this bother you? You know, old boy, I have a strong feeling that before the day is out, somebody's going to make use of that -- er -- rather expressive, though somewhat old-fashoned term, "foul play." Am - - am I boring you with all this? No? Good! Well, you see, Max, I find myself in a rather awkward position. You've only got to read this note to understand. It's from Rebecca. And, what's more, she had the foresight to put the date on it. She wrote it to me the day she died. Incidentally, I was out on a party that night. So I didn't get it until the next day. MAXIM What makes you think that note would interest me? FAVELL Oh, I'm not to bother you with the contents now, but I can assure you that it is not the note of a woman who intends to drown herself that same night. By the way, what do you do with old bones? Bury them, eh what? However, for the time being -- you know, Max, I'm getting awfully fed up with my job as a motor-car salesman. I don't know if you've ever experienced the feeling of driving an expensive motor-car that isn't your own. But it can be very, very exasperating. You know what I mean. You want to own the car yourself. I've often wondered what it would be like to -- retire to the country, have a nice little place with a few acres of shooting. I never figured out what it would cost a year, but I'd like to talk about it with you. I'd like to have your advice on how to live comfortably without hard work. FRANK Hello, Favell. You looking for me, Maxim? MAXIM Yes. Mr. Favell and I have a little business transaction on hand. I think we had better conduct it over at the Inn. They may have a private room there. FAVELL Oh, see you later. MAXIM Find Colonel Julyan. Tell him I want to see him immediately. Come on, Favell. Let's go. MAXIM Ah -- have you a private room, please? PROPRIETOR Of course, sir. Through there, sir. MAXIM Oh, thank you. PROPRIETOR Hope this will do, Mr. de Winter. FAVELL It's splendid -- splendid -- exactly like the Ritz. PROPRIETOR (laughs) Any orders, gents? FAVELL Yes, you might bring me a large brandy and soda. How about you, Max? Have one on me. I feel I can afford to play host. MAXIM Oh, thanks. I don't mind if I do. FAVELL Make it two, will you, like a good fellow? PROPRIETOR Very good, sir. COL. JULYAN Where's Mr. de Winter? PROPRIETOR Oh, through the other door, sir. MAXIM Colonel Julyan. This is Mr. Favell. FAVELL Oh, I know Colonel Julyan. We're old friends, aren't we? MAXIM Since you're old friends, I assume you also know that he's head of the police here. I think he might be interested to hear your proposition. Go on, tell him all about it. FAVELL I don't know what you mean. I merely said I hoped to give up selling cars and retire into the country. MAXIM Actually he offered to withhold a vital piece of evidence from the inquest if I made it worth his while. FAVELL I only want to see justice done, Colonel. Now that boat builder's evidence suggested certain possible theories concerning Rebecca's death. One of them, of course, is suicide. Now, I have a little note here which I consider puts that possibility quite out of court. Read it, Colonel. COL.JULYAN Jack, darling. I've just seen the doctor and I'm going down to Manderley right away. I shall be at the cottage all this evening, and shall leave the door open for you. I've something terribly important to tell you. Rebecca. FAVELL Now, does that look like the note from a woman who had made up her mind to kill herself? And, apart from that, Colonel, do you mean to tell me that if you wanted to commit suicide, you'd go to all the trouble of putting out to sea in a boat, and then take a hammer and chisel and laboriously knock holes through the bottom of it? Come, colonel -- as an officer of the law, don't you feel that there are some slight grounds for suspicion? COL.JULYAN Of murder? FAVELL What else? You've known Max a long time, so you'll know he's the old- fashioned type who'd die to defend his honor or who'd kill for it. FRANK It's blackmail -- pure and simple! COL. JULYAN Blackmail's not so pure nor so simple. It can bring a lot of trouble to a great many people. And the blackmailer sometimes finds himself in jail at the end of it. FAVELL Oh, I see. You're going to hold de Winter's hand through all this, just because he's the big noise around here, and he's actually permitted you to dine with him. COL. JULYAN Be careful, Favell. You've brought an accusation of murder. Have you any witnesses? FAVELL I do have a witness. COL. JULYAN Oh. FAVELL It's that fellow Ben. If stupid coroner hadn't been as much of a snob as you are, he'd have seen that half-wit was hiding something. COL.JULYAN And why should Ben do that? FAVELL Because we caught him once, Rebecca and I, peering at us through the cottage window. Rebecca threatened him with the asylum. That's why he was afraid to speak. But he was always hanging about and he must have seen this whole thing. FRANK It's ridiculous even listening to all this. FAVELL Ah. You're like a little trades union, all of you, aren't you? And if my guess is right, Crawley, there's a bit of malice in your soul toward me, isn't there? Crawley didn't have much success with Rebecca, but -- er -- he ought to have more luck this time. The bride will be grateful for your fraternal arm, Crawley, in a week of so. Every time she faints, in fact... COL. JULYAN De Winter! De Winter! I Maxim, please! FAVELL That temper of yours will do you in yet, Max. PROPRIETOR Oh -- ah, excuse me, gentlemen. Now, is there anything else? FAVELL Yes. You might bring Mr. de Winter a sedative. COL. JULYAN No, no. Nothing at all. Just leave us. PROPRIETOR Very good, sir. COL. JULYAN Now, Favell, let's get this business over. As you seem to have worked out the whole thing so carefully, perhaps you can provide us also with a motive? FAVELL Ah, I knew you were going to bring that up, Colonel. I've read enough detective stories to know there must always be a motive. And, if you'll all excuse me a moment, I'll supply that, too. MAXIM I wish you would go home. You ought not to be here through all this. I Please let me stay, Maxim. FRANK Surely, Colonel Julyan, you're not going to allow this fellow to... COL. JULYAN My opinion of Favell is no higher than yours, Crawley. But in my official capacity I have no alternative but to pursue his accusation. FAVELL I entirely agree with you, Colonel. In a matter as serious as this we should make sure of every point -- explore every avenue and, in fact, if I may coin a phrase, leave no stone unturned. FAVELL Ah, here she is -- missing link -- the witness who will help supply the motive! Colonel Julyan -- Mrs. Danvers. I believe you know everyone else. COL. JULYAN Won't you sit down? FAVELL No offense, Colonel, but I think I'll put this to Danny. She'll understand it more easily. Danny, who was Rebecca's doctor? MRS. DANVERS Mrs. de Winter always had Dr. McClean from the village. FAVELL Now, you heard. I said Rebecca's doctor in London. MRS. DANVERS I don't know anything about that. FAVELL Oh, don't give me that, Danny. You know everything about Rebecca. You know she was in love with me, didn't you? Surely you haven't forgotten the good times she and I used to have down at the cottage on the beach. MRS. DANVERS She had a right to amuse herself, didn't she? Love was a game to her, only a game. It made her laugh, I tell you. She used to sit on her bed and rock with laughter at the lot of you. COL. JULYAN Can you think of any reason why Mrs. de Winter should have taken her own life? MRS. DANVERS No. No, I'll refuse to believe it. I knew everything about her. I won't believe it. FAVELL There, you see? It's impossible. She knows that as well as I do. Now listen to me, Danny. We know that Rebecca went to a doctor in London on the last day of her life. Who was it? MRS. DANVERS I don't know. FAVELL Oh, I understand, Danny. You think we're asking you to reveal secrets of Rebecca's life. You're trying to defend her. But that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to clear her name of the suspicion of suicide. COL. JULYAN Mrs. Danvers -- it has been suggested -- that Mrs. de Winter was deliberately murdered. FAVELL There you have it in a nutshell, Danny. But there's one more thing you'll want to know -- that name of the murderer. It's a lovely name that rolls off the tongue so easily -- George Fortescue Maximilian de Winter. MRS. DANVERS There was a doctor. Mrs. de Winter sometimes went to him privately. She used to go to him even before she was married. FAVELL We don't want reminiscences, Danny. What was his name? MRS. DANVERS Dr. Baker -- one-six-five Goldhawk Road -- Shepherd's Bush. FAVELL There you are, Colonel. There's where you'll find your motive! Go and question Dr. Baker. He'll tell you why Rebecca went to him, to confirm the fact that she was going to have a child -- a sweet, curly-headed little child. MRS. DANVERS It isn't true! It isn't true! She would have told me. FAVELL She told Max about it. Max knew he wasn't the father! So, like the gentleman of the old school that he is, he killed her! COL. JULYAN I'm afraid we shall have to question this Dr. Baker. FAVELL Hear! Hear! But for safety's sake, I think I'd like to go along, too. COL. JULYAN Yes, unfortunately I suppose you have the right to ask that. I'll see the coroner and have the inquest postponed pending further evidence. FAVELL I say, aren't you rather afraid that the -- er -- prisoner, shall we say, might bolt? COL. JULYAN You have my word for it that he will not do that. FAVELL Toodle-oo, Max. Come along, Danny. Let's leave the unhappy couple to spend their last moments together alone. I Are -- are you sure you don't want me to go with you, Maxim? MAXIM No, darling. It will be very tiring for you. I'll be back the very first thing in the morning. And -- er -- I won't even stop to sleep. I I'll be waiting for you. COL. JULYAN Ready, Maxim? MAXIM Yes. COL. JULYAN You two go on ahead. I'll follw with Favell. COL. JULYAN Dr. Baker, you may have seen Mr. de Winter's name in the papers recently... DR. BAKER Oh, yes. Yes, in connection with the body that was found in a boat. My wife was reading all about it. It was a very sad case. My condolences, Mr. de Winter. FAVELL Oh, this is going to take hours. Let me... COL. JULYANA Don't bother, Favell. I think I can tell Dr. Baker. We're trying to discover certain facts concerning the late Mrs. de Winter's activities on the day of her death, October the 12th last year. I want you to tell me, it you can, if anyone of that name paid you a visit on that date. DR. BAKER I'm awfully sorry. I'm afraid I can't help you. I should have remembered the name de Winter. I've never attended a Mrs. de Winter in my life. FAVELL Well, how can you possibly tell all your patiets' names? DR. BAKER Oh, I can look it up in my engagement diary, if you like. Did you say the twelfth of October. COL. JULYAN Yes. DR. BAKER Here we are. No. No de Winter. FAVELL Are you sure? DR. BAKER Here are all the appointments for that day. Ross, Campbell, Steadall, Perrino, Danvers, Mathews... FAVELL Danny! What the devil! COL. JULYAN Would you read that name again? Did you say Danvers? DR. BAKER Yes, I have a Mrs. Danvers for three o'clock. FAVELL What did she look like? Can you remember? DR. BAKER Yes, I remember her quite well. She was a very beautiful woman -- tall, dark, exquisitely dressed. FRANK Rebecca! COL. JULYAN The lady must have used an assumed name. DR. BAKER Is that so? This is a surprise. I'd known her a long time. FAVELL What was the matter with her? DR. BAKER My dear sir, but there are certain ethics. FRANK Could you supply a reason, Dr. Baker, for Mrs. de Winter's suicide? FAVELL For her murder, you mean! She was going to have a kid, wasn't she? Come on -- out with it. Tell me what else would a woman of her class be doing in a dump like this. DR. BAKER I take it the official nature of this visit makes it necessary for me to... COL. JULYAN I assure you we'd not be troubling you, if it were not necessary. DR. BAKER You want to know if I can suggest any motive as to why Mrs. de Winter should have taken her life? Yes, I think I can. The woman who called herself Mrs. Danvers was very seriously ill. MAXIM She was not going to have a child? DR. BAKER That was what she thought. My diagnosis was different. I sent her to a well-known specialist for an examination and -- X-rays. And on this date she returned to me for his report. I remember her standing here -- holding out her hand for the photograph. 'I want to know the truth,' she said. 'I don't want soft words and a bedside manner. If I'm for it, you can tell me right away.' I knew she was not the type to accept a lie. She'd asked for the truth. I let her have it. She thanked me. I never saw her again, so I assumed that... MAXIM What was wrong with her? DR. BAKER Cancer. Yes, the growth was deep-rooted. An operation would've been no earthly use at all. In a short time she would've been under morphia. There was nothing that could be done for her -- except wait. MAXIM Did she say anything, when you told her? DR. BAKER She smiled in a queer sort of way. Your wife was a wouderful woman, Mr. de Winter. And, oh, yes, I remember she said something that struck me as being very peculiar at the time. When I told her it was a matter of months, she said, 'Oh, no, Doctor. Not that long.' COL. JULYAN You've been very kind. You've told us all we wanted to know. We shall probably need an official verification. DR. BAKER Verification? COL. JULYAN Yes. That is to confirm the verdict of suicide. DR. BAKER I understand. Can I offer you gentlemen a glass of sherry? COL. JULYAN No, very kind. I think we ought to be going. FRANK Thank heaven we know the truth! COL. JULYAN Dreadful thing! Dreadful! No young, lovely woman like her! No wonder... FAVELL I never had the remotest idea. Neither did Danny, I'm sure. I wish I had a drink! FRANK Will we be -- be needed at the inquest any further, Colonel Julyan? COL. JULYAN No. I can see to it that Maxim's not troubled any further. MAXIM Thank you, sir. FAVELL Are you ready to start, Colonel? COL. JULYAN No, thank you. I'm staying in town tonight. Let me tell you, Favell, blackmail is not much of a profession. We know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you. FAVELL I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. But if you ever need a new car, Colonel, just let me know. MAXIM It's impossible to thank you for your kindness to us through all this. You know what I feel about it without my saying anything. COL. JULYAN Not at all. Put the whole thing behind you. Better let your wife know. She'll be getting worried. MAXIM Yes, of course. I'll phone her at once, and then we'll get straight down to Manderley. COL. JULYAN Goodbye, Crawley. Maxim's got a great friend. MAXIM Frank... FRANK Yes, Maxim? MAXIM Something you don't know. FRANK Oh, no there isn't. MAXIM I didn't kill her, Frank. But I know now that when she told me about the child, she wanted me to kill her. She lied on purpose. She foresaw the whole thing. That's why she stood there laughing when she... FRANK Don't think about it any more. MAXIM Thank you, Frank. FAVELL Hello, Danny. I just wanted to tell you the news. Rebecca held out on both of us. She had cancer. Yes -- suicide. And now Max and that dear little bride of his will be able to stay on at Manderley and live happily ever after. Bye-bye, Danny. POLICEMAN Is this your car, sir? FAVELL Yes. POLICEMAN Will you be going soon? This isn't a parking place, you know. FAVELL Oh, isn't it? Oh, people are entitled to leave their cars outside, if they want to. It's a pity, some of you fellows haven't anything better to do. FRANK When you phoned, did she say she'd wait up? MAXIM I asked her to go to bed, but she wouldn't hear of it. I wish I could get some more speed out of this thing. FRANK Is something worrying you, Maxim? MAXIM I can't get over the feeling something's wrong. MAXIM Frank! FRANK What's the matter? Why did we stop? MAXIM What -- what's the time? FRANK Oh, this clock's wrong. Must be three or four. Why? MAXIM That can't be the dawn breaking over there? FRANK It's in the winter that you see the Northern Lights, isn't it? MAXIM That's not the Northern Lights. That's Manderley! MAXIM Frith! Frith! Mrs. de Winter! Where is she? FRITH I thought I saw her, sir. MAXIM Where? I Maxim! Thank heaven you've come back to me! MAXIM Are you all right, darling? I Oh, yes, I'm all right. MAXIM Are you all right? I Mrs. Danvers -- she's gone mad. She said she'd rather destroy Manderley than see us happy here. ROBERT Look! The West Wing! THE END