Audience Participation for Shock Treatment Here's some lines from jrblevin@edcen.ehhs.cmich: Hola, Horrorites! As of late, I've been trying to think up comeback lines for "Shock Treatment." Here are a few I've come up with. Bracketed dialogue in CAPS to be shouted. (during narrator's opening spiel) [TELL US A LEAST-LOVED BEDTIME STORY, MR. MIKE!] Narrator: Once upon a time [IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY] Narrator: In a town not far from yours, there lived a real fast guy. [JUST ASK HIS GIRLFRIEND!] Narrator: His life was fast. His friends were fast. [EVEN HIS HAND WAS FAST!] Narrator: Even his food was fast. But he was still not satisfied. [NEITHER WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND!] Narrator: He wanted to share his fast philosophy with someone else. [WAS IT JANET RENO?] or [WAS IT K.D. LANG?] Narrator: A beautiful girl. [GUESS NOT.] Narrator: Trouble was... [A BOARD GAME] Narrator: She was in the arms of... [ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL GIRL?] Narrator: Another man! [DAMN! I WAS HOPING FOR SOME GIRL-GIRL STUFF!] *** (during "Marriage Maze"; Ricky enters with wheelchair) Ricky: Hey, Bert! Bert: Hey, Ricky! [YOU'RE SO FINE! YOU'RE SO FINE, AND I'M SO BLIND! HEY, RICKY! (clap, clap)] Ricky: I've come for Mr. Majors. [HERE, LET ME GET YOU A KLEENEX.] or [BUT WILL MR. MAJORS COME FOR YOU?] or [DID HE SAY HE'D COME FOR MR. ROGERS?] *** (final verse of "Bitchin' in the Kitchen") Janet: Tell me, spectator, why are we always sooner or later? [Echo: TELL ME, VIBRATOR, WHY CAN'T BRAD HAVE HIS ORGASMS LATER?] *** (during "In My Own Way") Janet: If only you knew how to... [FIND MY G-SPOT!] *** (during "Lullaby") Nation: You feel like choking... [YOUR CHICKEN! HUH-HUH!] Cosmo: Oh, romance is not a children's game [TELL THAT TO JERRY SEINFELD!] or [TELL THAT TO WOODY ALLEN!] Nation: But you keep going back It's driving you insane (As camera goes briefly by Bert's window...) [AND NOW, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, OUR VERY OWN BERT SCHNICK! (pause) NICE JOB, BERT!] *** Of course, any time Bert is seen walking with his cane (like the scene where he's looking for "Jay-net"), you could shout... [DEFINITIVE PROOF THAT TOO MUCH MASTURBATION *CAN* CAUSE BLINDNESS!] Here's a couple from Ruth Fink-Winter Cop: You'll find conference rooms And a children's playground.{locks jail cell door} Denton is a real okay town {makes okay sign, walks to the T} Civic pride and civic duty. And Denton girls are {wolf whistles} full of beauty. [echo: full of shit!] or [and the cops are blind] * Emily: This is the birthplace of the virtuous. [Janet was from out of town.] * Oliver: Well Betty, there are many ways that the spider may catch the fly. [How does Betty get men to sleep with her?] There are monetary inducements, * Macy: And F for. . . [Fuck the teacher!] Kids: Food! [as sign shows the F's swinging around: "This ad brought to you by the American Nazi Party"] FAncr: First and foremost, Farley Flavor's fabulous fast foods feed and fortify families for a fabulous future. [Oh, fuck off.] * Janet: Why did you tell me not to sign now? [It's important for the plot.] Ansalong: Well, that way you get the first day free. * Emily: Infantile regression? Bert: You got it! [Hey, Emily! Fake an orgasm!] Emily: I got it! I got it! * {Scene switch to the Weiss's garage door opening up. Harry is starting his lawnmower} [Sing to us the Republican National Anthem!] Harry: A man should call the toss Wear the pants.... * Cosmo: Its classical. {Ricky and Ansalong wheel out the TV} Almost a - textbook case. [We wrote the book.] * Oliver: Clever of you to find this spot Betty Betty: It pays to know your way around Oliver. [And boy, has she been around!] I thought the Home Of Happiness would give your theory a new perspective. * {Oliver smiles at Betty. Scene changes to Janet brushing her teeth with Ansalong in the back by the door. [Janet--what do you do after a blowjob?] {Janet spits} * [Janet, say something totally incomprehensible.] Janet: Drift into The Treacle deep Slip into its silent depths {whisper} Go to sleep With your everything akimbo Float into the sandman's limbo. * Cop: Does this bird belong to you? [Overact, Betty!] * Janet: There's just the two of me Alone at last together We've got the luck so far We are my lucky star ["Oh, shit, I think I broke it" as her voice echoes] {Echo on "star" Janet has a "What the hell is going on" look on her face. Cheerleaders start to dance away from her. Janet starts getting into the music} * [We'd like some really cheap symbolism, please.] {Frankie the cheerleader knocks over the pillars that are in back of Janet.Scene shifts back to Farley's office showing Farley giving an "Ahh" of approval.} [Boy, I'd hate to have to clean under his desk.] * Oliver: Care to indulge? Betty: Indulge? Oliver: Uh huh. In a little um - [Cheap sex?] masquerade. * During all of "Looking for Trade", audience of course echoes "I wanna get laid" for "I'm looking for trade" * Brad: Hey look they're [giving out free donuts!] having a party. {Vance is about to take off, because he sees Neely and her crew following...} * Brad: Some people do it to be funny [And then there's Betty] Janet: Some people do it for the money * Oliver: Some people do it for enslavement [And then there's Betty] Betty: Some people do it on the pavement * Bd&Jt: Some people do it for enjoyment [And then there's Betty] Bt&Ol: Some people do it for employment Here's a couple from the Quad Princess... * During Denton U.S.A. Cop: You'll find conference rooms *Where do you smoke your weed at?* And a children's playground. Denton is a real okay town Civic pride and civic duty. And Denton girls are {wolf whistles} full of beauty *Full of Shit* or *Full of Bootie.* * During Carte Blanche Janet: So if you're looking for a Standard to which you can aspire Then baby Look at me! *I gotta pee!* Oh oh oh! Look at me! *I gotta pee!*